Public Health (Tobacco) Regulation 2022

What’s this about?
The Public Health (Tobacco) Regulation 2016 (2016 Regulation) will be repealed on 1 September 2022. The Ministry of Health intends to replace it with the Draft Regulation 2022.
The Draft Regulation is generally consistent with the 2016 Regulation and regulates advertising on tobacco and e-cigarette packaging, the display of retail prices of tobacco products and e-cigarettes, and the display of health warnings and other notices about tobacco products and e-cigarettes.
It outlines penalty notice offences, allowing on-the-spot fines to be issued for certain offences.
The Draft Regulation also proposes to:
- Prohibit price boards displaying the retail prices of tobacco products or e-cigarettes from contain moving images or texts.
- Introduce a size limit to the health warning sign that must be displayed at the point of sale in retail premises.
- Permit the display of only one sign that states “tobacco sold at this cash register only” in a retail premise.
- Increase the on-the spot fines available for offences, while introducing new offences for which on-the-spot fines are payable.
NSW Health welcomes public feedback on the Public Health (Tobacco) Regulation 2022, once you have reviewed the Draft Regulation (PDF 220.71KB) and Regulatory Impact Statement (PDF 650.47KB).
Have your say
Have your say by Friday 17 June 2022.
There are two ways to submit your feedback using the consultation methods listed below.
Postal submission
Address: Legal and Regulatory Services Branch, NSW Ministry of Health - Locked Bag 2030 St Leonards NSW 1590
Consultation period
More information
Email: Project team
Phone: (02) 9461 7106
Agency Website
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