Proposed Crown land lease at Dolans Bay

What’s this about?
Crown Lands is considering the lease of Crown land by direct negotiation to the existing tenant who is also the adjoining freehold landowner.
Part of the land is currently held under licence by the existing tenant (shown by blue shaded area in the above diagram) who operates the site as a commercial marina.
The existing tenant intends to expand the footprint of the marina for additional berths and is seeking a new Crown land lease, which will cover the proposed expanded area (the area shown by red shading in the above diagram).
Prior to the proposed lease being issued by Crown Lands (over the expanded area), the applicant will need to obtain planning approval for the proposed development via Development Application (DA) from Sutherland Shire Council and likely determined by the Sydney South Planning Panel. Any questions concerning the planning process should be directed to the Council.
Have your say
Have your say by 11:59pm Friday 4 April 2025.
There are 2 ways to provide your feedback.
Please quote reference number 20/01881#05 in the subject of any correspondence to ensure that we can direct your submission to the right place for consideration.
Online consultation
Postal submission
Address: Crown Lands, PO Box 2185, Dangar, NSW 2309
Consultation period
More information
Email: Project team
Phone: 1300 886 235
Agency Website
Consultation Website
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