Grants and payments for individuals and households

Financial relief and support services for eligible individuals, families and households following a natural disaster.

Help finding support available to you

Australian Government reference numbers

Australian Government reference numbers (AGRNs) are used to identify natural disaster declarations, which list the areas affected by a disaster. Visit the full list of disaster declarations and their AGRNs to find out if your area is eligible for recovery support.

Grants and payments to aid recovery after a natural disaster

Disaster Relief Grant

This financial assistance is provided to help people to recover a basic standard of living.

Disaster assistance payments and allowances

This assistance from the Australian Government supports people who have been significantly affected by a major disaster. Find out if you're in an eligible area.

Child Care Subsidy emergency support

This subsidy supports families and services during and immediately after an emergency. Find out if you're in an eligible area. Applications should be made within 6 months of the disaster.

Travel and accommodation support for specialised healthcare

Financial help is available if your specialist healthcare is affected by a natural disaster. You can apply for subsidies on travel and accommodation.

Tropical Cyclone Alfred – Personal Hardship Assistance Payment

This one-off $180 payment is available from Service NSW for essential costs such as food, clothing, medicine and emergency accommodation.

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