About disability provisions
Students doing their Higher School Certificate (HSC) may need disability provisions for:
- a permanent condition, such as cerebral palsy or vision impairment
- a temporary condition, such as a broken arm, or
- an intermittent condition, such as back pain when sitting for long periods.
Schools are responsible for adjustments in school-based assessment tasks. NESA determines disability provisions for HSC exams.
Do not feel embarrassed about applying for or using provisions. More than 10,000 HSC students apply for provisions each year.
Information and resources
Applying for provisions
Find out about definitions of disability, how to apply for provisions, evidence needed to make an application and appealing a decision.
Provisions guide for teachers and parents
All schools must ensure that students with disability are able to access and participate in education on the same basis as other students.
Disability provision support types
Learn about the disability provisions for HSC exams that require further specific arrangements.
HSC minimum standard disability provisions
Find out about disability provisions that are available for students who are doing HSC minimum standard tests.
Illness or misadventure
If a student becomes sick or experiences a mishap in the time leading to their HSC exams, they may need to go through the illness and misadventure process. Find out how it works and the evidence they will need to provide.
HSC fairness and integrity statistics
NESA publishes fairness and integrity data for the previous year’s HSC. Learn about the statistics for disability provisions, illness and misadventure, and breaking HSC rules.
Independent reviews of the Disability Provisions Program
The following reports and reviews relate to disability provisions from previous years:
- Disability Provisions in the HSC – Review of implementation, John Firth (2018) (DOCX 99.53KB)
- Special report to Parliament: A level playing field? HSC Disability Provisions, NSW Ombudsman (2013) (PDF 243.28KB)
- Report to Board of Studies - Review of NSW HSC Disability Provisions Program, Ellis and Johnson (2011) (PDF 220.53KB)
- Report to Board of Studies - Review of Special Provisions, Walter Turnbull (2009) (PDF 185.55KB)
- Report to Board of Studies - Special Provisions Program 2008, Keightley (2009) (PDF 66.2KB)
- Report to Board of Studies - Review of Special Provisions, Walter Turnbull (2008) (PDF 171.35KB)
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Call: +61 2 9367 8111
NSW Education Standards Authority
PO Box 5300
Sydney NSW 2001
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