Licence conditions on medical advice
Do you have a health condition or injury affecting your driving? To keep your licence, you may be able to get conditions added to it.
What are medical licence conditions?
If you have a medical condition or injury that affects your driving, Transport for NSW may add conditions to your licence.
Licence conditions are legal requirements attached to your licence. You must follow these when driving or riding.
Conditions might include:
- medical advice such as 'wear glasses or contact lenses when driving'
- vehicle modifications
- driving restrictions such as 'drive only during daylight hours'
- a requirement that you see a health specialist for
- regular review
- a medical assessment for fitness to drive.
For information on other licence conditions, such as for provisional driver licences, see Licence conditions.
Displaying the conditions
If Transport for NSW decides to add conditions to your licence, they may be printed on your licence card.
Licence conditions are shown as codes with a short description. Examples include:
- S001 – must wear glasses or contact lenses while driving
- S002 – must wear glasses or contact lenses when driving at night
- S003 – must wear glasses or contact lenses when driving a vehicle with Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) over 8 tonnes.
If the conditions are not printed on your licence, when you're driving or riding you must still:
- comply with the conditions (that are listed on our system which law enforcement officers can access)
- carry your driver or rider licence.
Adding the conditions
Your health professional may recommend what conditions should be on your licence.
For example, they may recommend you only drive during daylight hours if you have impaired vision at night.
They may provide you with a Medical condition notification form. They may recommend you have a medical assessment for fitness to drive.
You must follow the medical professional's recommendations when driving.
Notifying Transport for NSW
As soon as possible, you must notify Transport of the medical conditions recommended.
To do this, take your licence card to a service centre.
Transport considers what conditions are relevant to your situation.
Transport may:
- add a condition to your driver licence (for example, ‘must wear glasses or contact lenses while driving’)
- ask you to book a medical assessment for fitness to drive with your health specialist
- ask you to take an eyesight test at the service centre.
Complying with conditions
You must comply with all conditions added to your licence. This includes getting a medical review as required.
Changing conditions
To change the conditions, see Change the medical conditions on a licence.
To appeal changes to your licence see Medically suspended, cancelled, varied and refused licences.