Yvonne Weldon
Yvonne Weldon was the winner of the Cancer Institute NSW Aboriginal Woman of the Year at the 2022 NSW Women of the Year Awards.

Yvonne Weldon is a Wiradjuri woman and is the first Aboriginal Australian to be elected to City of Sydney council.
Ms Weldon is also the Chairwoman of Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council, Deputy Chairperson of the NSW Australia Day Council, and sits on the boards of Domestic Violence NSW and Redfern Jarjum College.
In 2019 she was awarded the NSW Volunteer of the Year - Adult Volunteer for the South Sydney Region and the NSW South Sydney Volunteer Region - Volunteer of the Year.
Raised with the Wiradjuri values of helping and sharing with others, Ms Weldon brings a passion for social justice, child protection, education and Aboriginal advancement to her work. Her first novel was published in July 2022.