Priorities and collaboration

Strategic plans

NSW Government agencies have strategic plans designed to help achieve the Premier's Priorities. Links to these plans are listed below.


NSW Defence Innovation Network

The Defence Innovation Network (DIN) is an association of seven leading universities in NSW. The purpose of the DIN is to bring together NSW industry, universities, state government and DST Group to address Australia’s defence needs. The DIN also supports NSW business innovation in the global defence market by harnessing world-class research capabilities available within NSW universities.

NSW Smart Sensing Network

The NSW Smart Sensing Network (NSSN) was established in July 2016 with funding from the NSW Government through the Office of the Chief Scientist & Engineer. It was founded on the premise that the economy and people of NSW face key challenges in energy, resources, manufacturing, the environment, transport, agriculture, space and health that cutting-edge research in smart sensing could play a critical role in solving.

NSW Space Network

The NSW Space Research Network (SRN) is a university-led initiative of the NSW Government designed to enhance NSW space industry capability through collaboration with government and academic research institutions. The SRN will build and support collaboration and coordination between government, industry and research organisations to deliver space research and research translation to industry. 

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