Vehicle standards information sheets (VSI)
Each vehicle needs to comply with specific standards to drive on NSW roads. Find out what vehicle standard requirements apply to your vehicle.
Light vehicle standards
Transport for NSW is responsible for administering the vehicle standards that apply to all light vehicles.
Light vehicles are defined as:
- motor vehicles with a Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) of 4.5 tonnes or less
- trailers with an Aggregate Trailer Mass (ATM) of 4.5 tonnes or less.
The requirements for light vehicles are outlined in the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 2017.
The regulation includes:
- Australian Design Rules (ADR) which are the national construction and performance standards for new and used road vehicles
- adopted standards for vehicle components/systems (eg glazing, alternative fuels).
If you have questions about light vehicle standards and requirements, contact Technical Enquiries. You can email or phone 1300 137 302.
Heavy vehicle standards
A heavy vehicle is a motor vehicle with a GVM exceeding 4.5 tonnes or a trailer with an ATM exceeding 4.5 tonnes.
Contact the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator for heavy vehicle standards and vehicle standards guides (VSG). You can email them at or call them on 1300 696 487.
Vehicle standards information (VSI) sheets
The vehicle standards information (VSI) sheets outline vehicle standards and modification requirements for light vehicles.
If modifications to a vehicle are significant, the vehicle must be issued a compliance certificate by a licensed certifier before being used on a road or road related area. Find out more about modified vehicles and what modifications require certification.
Not all of these forms meet the WCAG2.0 accessibility requirements. If you're having trouble accessing them please contact us.
Title | Topic |
FileVSI 03 Windows and tintings (PDF 883.76KB) | A guide to the amount of deterioration allowed on windscreens and the use of tinted films on windows. |
FileVSI 04 Registering imported vehicles (PDF 264.29KB) | A guide to the vehicle standards requirements for registering imported vehicles in NSW. |
FileVSI 05 Light vehicle dimension limits (PDF 985.63KB) | A guide to the dimension limits applicable to road vehicles not exceeding 4.5 tonnes gross vehicle mass (GVM) or aggregate trailer mass (ATM). |
FileVSI 06 Light vehicle modifications (PDF 365.92KB) | A guide to modifications requiring certification under the Vehicle Safety Compliance Certification Scheme. |
FileVSI 08 Flashing lights and sirens (PDF 166.01KB) | A guide to inform vehicle owners and operators of the types of flashing lights and/or sirens that may be fitted to certain types of vehicles and when they can be used. |
FileVSI 09 Guidelines for alternative wheels and tyres (PDF 880.44KB) | A guide to fitting alternative wheels and/or tyres to those supplied as original equipment by the vehicle’s manufacturer. |
FileVSI 10 Carrying bicycles on motor vehicles (PDF 679.49KB) | Advice about the safety requirements that apply when carrying a bicycle/s externally mounted on a motor vehicle. |
FileVSI 14 LPG fuelled vehicles (PDF 3.55MB) | A guide to who can install LPG systems and the registration requirements for vehicles fitted with LPG. |
FileVSI 16 Natural gas fuel systems for motor vehicles (PDF 1.6MB) | A guide to Compressed natural gas (CNG), also called natural gas for vehicles (NGV) and who can install them. |
FileVSI 18 Dimension and mass limits for vehicle combinations (PDF 433.19KB) | A guide to dimension and mass limits for operating a vehicle combination. |
FileVSI 21 Guidelines for modifying vehicles for people with disability (PDF 688.6KB)
FileSummary of requirements for registering and using a vehicle modified for a person with a disability - July 2020 (PDF 99.68KB) | Information about modifying vehicles for people with disability, either as a driver or a passenger. |
FileVSI 28 Guidelines for modifications to motorcycles (PDF 250.09KB) | Information about the requirements you must meet if you alter your motorcycle from its original specifications. |
FileVSI 29 Headlight covers (PDF 129.75KB) | Information on the minimum performance requirements for headlights and the need to maintain this performance when fitting headlight covers. |
FileVSI 31 Guide on fitting ladder racks to light vehicles (PDF 265.58KB) | A guide to the safety and legal requirements that apply to fitting a ladder rack to the front of a light motor vehicle. |
FileVSI 35 Mobile advertising units (PDF 130.42KB) | Information on the requirements for vehicles being used as mobile advertising units. |
FileVSI 37 Reporting vehicle defects (PDF 135.88KB) | Information for owners and drivers of light vehicles that are fleet vehicles of the process for reporting vehicle defects. |
FileVSI 40 Left-hand drive vehicles up to 4.5 tonnes GVM (PDF 133.55KB) | Information on the requirements for registering motor vehicles not exceeding 4.5 tonnes gross vehicle mass in left-hand drive configuration. |
FileVSI 41 Guidelines for A-frame towing (PDF 2.5MB) | A guide to the requirements for flat-towing a motor vehicle when using a device commonly known as an A-frame. |
FileVSI 42 Stretched limousines - exemption from aspects of ADR 58/100 (PDF 272.96KB) | Information on stretched limousines exempt from specific clauses of ADR 58/00 Requirements for Omnibuses Designed for Hire and Reward subject to certain conditions.. |
FileVSI 43 Transporting rowing boats (PDF 5.21MB) | Information on the dimension limits applying to vehicles and trailers used for transporting rowing shells, outrigger canoes, kayaks, dragon boats and other similar rowing boats on New South Wales roads. |
FileVSI 44 Retro-fitting seatbelts to buses and coaches (PDF 211.11KB) | Information about retro-fitting seatbelts to buses and coaches. |
FileVSI 46 Exemption permit process for approval and registration of non-complying special purpose vehicles (PDF 281.96KB) | Advice for owners and operators of non-complying special purpose vehicles (SPVs) on getting operational approval and registration. |
FileVSI 48 Changing the GVM of goods vehicles with alternative identification plates (PDF 152.66KB) | Advice on the procedures for changing the gross vehicle mass of goods vehicles that are supplied to the market with different load ratings. |
FileVSI 49 Seatbelt buckle covers (PDF 595.75KB) | Information about seat belt buckle covers and legal requirements with regard to fitting a seat belt buckle cover. |
FileVSI 53 What is an individually constructed vehicle (PDF 287.65KB) | Advice about what constitutes an individually constructed vehicle (ICV), and the differences between ICVs and modified vehicles. |
FileVSI 57 Driving in snow and ice conditions (PDF 805.06KB) | Advice on driving in snow and ice conditions. |
FileVSI 58 Number plate visibility (PDF 747.27KB) | Advice on the requirements for positioning number plates on vehicles in a way that ensures the number plates’ visibility. |
FileVSI 60 Carrying motorised mobility devices and motorcycles on vehicles (PDF 251.55KB) | A guide to the safety and legal requirements that apply when carrying a motorised mobility device (MMD), such as an electric wheelchair or mobility scooter, or a motorcycle, on a rack fitted to the rear of a motor vehicle. |
FileVSI 62 Transporting yachts on trailers (PDF 4.78MB) | A guide to safely transporting yachts and the dimension limits that apply to vehicle and trailer combinations. |
FileVSI 63 Number plate warning labels (PDF 430.06KB) | A guide to the requirements for number plate warning labels for motor vehicles powered by alternative fuel types & Electric Vehicles |
FileVSI 64 Aftermarket forward facing lamps (PDF 240.93KB) | Advice on the different types of aftermarket forward facing lamps that may be fitted to a light motor vehicle, excluding mopeds, motorcycles, and motortricycles. |
FileVSI 65 Vehicles used for film and television Standards Information No-65 (PDF 1002.12KB) | Advice on the construction requirements for vehicles modified for use by the film industry. |
Title Topic A guide to the amount of deterioration allowed on windscreens and the use of tinted films on windows. |
Title Topic A guide to the vehicle standards requirements for registering imported vehicles in NSW. |
Title Topic A guide to the dimension limits applicable to road vehicles not exceeding 4.5 tonnes gross vehicle mass (GVM) or aggregate trailer mass (ATM). |
Title Topic A guide to modifications requiring certification under the Vehicle Safety Compliance Certification Scheme. |
Title Topic A guide to inform vehicle owners and operators of the types of flashing lights and/or sirens that may be fitted to certain types of vehicles and when they can be used. |
Title Topic A guide to fitting alternative wheels and/or tyres to those supplied as original equipment by the vehicle’s manufacturer. |
Title Topic Advice about the safety requirements that apply when carrying a bicycle/s externally mounted on a motor vehicle. |
Title Topic A guide to who can install LPG systems and the registration requirements for vehicles fitted with LPG. |
Title Topic A guide to Compressed natural gas (CNG), also called natural gas for vehicles (NGV) and who can install them. |
Title Topic A guide to dimension and mass limits for operating a vehicle combination. |
Title FileVSI 21 Guidelines for modifying vehicles for people with disability (PDF 688.6KB)
FileSummary of requirements for registering and using a vehicle modified for a person with a disability - July 2020 (PDF 99.68KB)Topic Information about modifying vehicles for people with disability, either as a driver or a passenger. |
Title Topic Information about the requirements you must meet if you alter your motorcycle from its original specifications. |
Title Topic Information on the minimum performance requirements for headlights and the need to maintain this performance when fitting headlight covers. |
Title Topic A guide to the safety and legal requirements that apply to fitting a ladder rack to the front of a light motor vehicle. |
Title Topic Information on the requirements for vehicles being used as mobile advertising units. |
Title Topic Information for owners and drivers of light vehicles that are fleet vehicles of the process for reporting vehicle defects. |
Title Topic Information on the requirements for registering motor vehicles not exceeding 4.5 tonnes gross vehicle mass in left-hand drive configuration. |
Title Topic A guide to the requirements for flat-towing a motor vehicle when using a device commonly known as an A-frame. |
Title Topic Information on stretched limousines exempt from specific clauses of ADR 58/00 Requirements for Omnibuses Designed for Hire and Reward subject to certain conditions.. |
Title Topic Information on the dimension limits applying to vehicles and trailers used for transporting rowing shells, outrigger canoes, kayaks, dragon boats and other similar rowing boats on New South Wales roads. |
Title Topic Information about retro-fitting seatbelts to buses and coaches. |
Title Topic Advice for owners and operators of non-complying special purpose vehicles (SPVs) on getting operational approval and registration. |
Title Topic Advice on the procedures for changing the gross vehicle mass of goods vehicles that are supplied to the market with different load ratings. |
Title Topic Information about seat belt buckle covers and legal requirements with regard to fitting a seat belt buckle cover. |
Title Topic Advice about what constitutes an individually constructed vehicle (ICV), and the differences between ICVs and modified vehicles. |
Title Topic Advice on driving in snow and ice conditions. |
Title Topic Advice on the requirements for positioning number plates on vehicles in a way that ensures the number plates’ visibility. |
Title Topic A guide to the safety and legal requirements that apply when carrying a motorised mobility device (MMD), such as an electric wheelchair or mobility scooter, or a motorcycle, on a rack fitted to the rear of a motor vehicle. |
Title Topic A guide to safely transporting yachts and the dimension limits that apply to vehicle and trailer combinations. |
Title Topic A guide to the requirements for number plate warning labels for motor vehicles powered by alternative fuel types & Electric Vehicles |
Title Topic Advice on the different types of aftermarket forward facing lamps that may be fitted to a light motor vehicle, excluding mopeds, motorcycles, and motortricycles. |
Title Topic Advice on the construction requirements for vehicles modified for use by the film industry. |