Certificates and searches for an adoption

How to request searches and certificates for an adopted person and their parents.


The Registry provides a range of services for the Adoption Community including birth, marriage and death searches, pre-adoption birth certificates and the new Integrated Birth Certificate.

Adoption Searches

Applying for pre-adoptive information

Before you start your application, you must:

We cannot search our records until we have this permission to provide you with the pre-adoptive information held in our records.

The Integrated Birth Certificate (IBC)

What is an Integrated Birth Certificate (IBC)

In addition to the post-adoptive birth certificate, adopted people in NSW can have both their birth and adopted families included on an integrated birth certificate (IBC) as outlined in the amendment to the Adoption Act 2000 and the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1995.

An IBC is an official certified copy of the registration data held by the Registry and is commonly used to help establish a person’s identity.  An adopted person can choose to use either their post-adoptive birth certificate or the IBC as their primary identity document.

Find out more by reading the

Factsheet: Integrated Birth Certificates for adopted people (PDF, 102.9 KB)

Add a parent to pre adoptive Birth Certificate

To apply to add a parent to a pre adoptive birth registration, the birth must be registered in NSW.

In some circumstances, the Registry can add a biological father to the pre adoptive birth registration when the subject of the birth applies for the details to be added.

The Registry may require a Parentage testing DNA report or a court order to confirm paternity. DNA result evidence must be provided from laboratories authorised under the Family Law Regulations to conduct DNA parentage testing. Further information on authorised laboratories can be found on the Attorney General's website.

The Registry may ask for further evident to support the application, such as documentation from the time of adoption.

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