- [Josephine] My name's Josephine Kneipp. Welcome to today's webinar on Targeted Priorities Pre-vocational and Part Qualification Program or TPPPQ, as we say all the time. I'd like to start by acknowledging that wherever we're coming from today across this land, we are coming from the lands of traditional owners on the lands of the Gadigal people and I pay my respects to elders past and present. And with that, today's presentation is being recorded. If you are looking for any previous presentations, they are on our website, we will share that link. And now for today, I am gonna hand over to the lovely Nathan Cooper to take you through the information. - [Nathan] Thanks Josephine. As Josephine said, I'm Nathan Cooper. I manage the Skills Brokers, and also manage the regional providers support managers who you may have come into contact with already. Today I'm going to discuss or talk about the Targeted Priorities Pre-vocational and Part Qualification Program. From now on, I'm gonna refer to it as the TPPPQ program. As as Josephine did, I'd also like to acknowledge that we're meeting on lands of Aboriginal people. I'm coming to you today from Wiranduri country down in Wagga and want to pay my respects to elders past and present and extend my respect to any Aboriginal Torres Strait Islanders joining us today. Okay, so I'll give a bit of an overview of what the program is, the TPPPQ program is, and then we'll get into some depth throughout this presentation. The TPPPQ program is primarily designed to respond to the economic conditions that are changing and addressing the skills needs within New South Wales funding in New South Wales by funding delivery of part qualifications to meet industry needs and business and community needs. We generally try to keep these training occurrences short and no longer than six weeks in duration. And the main aim to fund a training that supports job seekers that are seeking to get skills that they're required to gain employment, to assist job seekers to progress to further training, whether that be an apprenticeship, traineeship or a full qualification, supporting small businesses by opening a pipeline of skilled workers to address their needs or to help learners or students obtain apprenticeships or traineeships through our pre-apprenticeship and pre-traineeship program. To a lesser extent, the program's also there to improve capability of existing workers who are looking to upskill. So what is a part qualification? We have a couple of different ways to look at them. Generally a short course that is already a nationally accredited skillset or we have our locally designed one short courses that are developed through consultation with industry groups, local employers, the department and other stakeholders. And they're made up of bundles of nationally accredited units, competencies or modules. We at Training Service New South Wales refer to this as a locally designed skills group and would like them to consist of between three and six units of competency. So we'll go through the three different streams that are funded under TPPQ We have our pre-vocational training, our pre-traineeship and pre-apprenticeship stream, and our targeted skills stream. I will note that all of these streams will require or may require a letter of support from an employer, the industry or community organizations. So pre-vocational training first. Pre-vocational trainings targeted people who may need additional support to get a job or before they undertake a full quo. It could be foundation skills training, so lifting the literacy numeracy or digital skills of participants. It could be a pre-employment program setting up a stream of job ready participants, or it may be a short taster course before undertaking full qualifications. The pre-apprenticeship and pre-traineeship stream is primarily targeting students who are seeking an apprenticeship or traineeship outcome. These skill sets consist of introduction units to that industry. So the example we've used here is construction, where you might get a participant work ready to start their apprenticeship or traineeship through units such as work safety, using hand tools, measurements, white card, et cetera. And the third stream is the targeted skills stream. So this is a broad range of vocational training and it's there to address the priority industries and priority groups skills needs. This can assist an individual in gaining the skills they require to improve their career prospects. So importantly, how do providers apply to actually access the funding for part qualifications delivered under TPPPQ? This is accessed different to all other Smart and Skilled Funded Programs. The method to obtain funding is to submit a TNI application online. The reason for this is each application is assessed individually in its merits with no guarantee that the application will be approved for funding. Some of the things that contribute to that decision are the availability of funding, the meeting of Training Services New South Wales identified regional priorities and government priorities, past performance and program compliance of the RTO and what other supply of training is sitting in the market currently. So to access the TNI application, it can only be found online and completed on the STS Online site. These are the only applications that will be considered. And if you'd like a detailed guide on how to access and complete a TNI, you can actually find the Training Needs Identification user guide located in STS Online under the Smart and Skilled contract management menu and under support documents. All right, so these are what we should be considering when submitting funding for part qualifications. Firstly, as an RTO you need to ensure that all of the units that you are applying for sit on your implicit scope, which is found on training.gov.au. Secondly, the providers should identify a training need and have support from industry employers, community groups, could be Workforce Australia, other government agencies and prospective students. Part qualifications on key priorities. Sorry, let me start again. Part qualifications focus on our key priorities in each region. So you need to ensure there are opportunities for job outcomes and that they address these priorities. The provider should have a good indication from their conversations with stakeholders that they will have a cohort of students ready to enrol. The provider should be in contact with Training Services New South Wales to discuss part qualifications before TNI applications are submitted. Failure to actually contact your regional office and have that discussion may result in a delay or the TNI application being declined. And importantly as always, submission of a TNI application isn't a guarantee for funding. Student eligibility is an important consideration also when looking at funding for a qualification. For students to be eligible to undertake anything under TPPPQ they must firstly meet Smart and Skilled eligibility criteria. If you're unsure of that Smart and Skilled eligibility criteria, there is a link there and the PowerPoint will be available to follow that link. It's a responsibility of the provider to confirm that that student is eligible to undertake the training and there may be additional eligibility criteria for each part qualification that is funded. All of this will be specified on the funding agreement, which is known as your provider activity schedule. So when filling out a TNI, you are required to identify a target group in your TNI. The target group will reflect the program or cohort of students. These target groups are subject to change. They may be added or deleted as required and they'll be based on the new priorities or programs available. Please contact your local regional officer again if you're unsure about the correct target group. So currently Training Services New South Wales is working through the priorities for the 23/24 financial year. And we are working with individual regions across the state will be circulated shortly. Again before submitting your TNI, have that discussion with your regional office about what priority will be supported. There is no list of part qualifications for the TPPPQ program. So stakeholder engagement is vital. We want part qual to be driven by these stakeholders. So please ensure you've consulted with at least one of the following being industry employers, community groups, Workforce Australia, government agencies, respective students and your local office or your local office. And please make sure that once you've had that discussion, that the units of companies that you submit a funding application for, reflect the industry employers or individuals training needs. So single unit park qualifications, licensing, regulatory and refresher training. So part qualifications that are a single unit would generally not be funded unless there is a directive from the department. Further details of units that will not be funded as part of a part qualification can be found in the below link and it is not an exhaustive list. This guide will also cover information relating to licensing regulatory, refresher and mandatory units of companies for job seekers and existing workers. So part of the TNI application process requires providers to provide supporting evidence. This can take the form of a letter of support from employers or partnering organizations and they're required for all TNIs that include mandatory work placement units or for existing workers. A letter of support must be supplied to the department either with the submission of the TNI or prior to the approval of the TNI part qualification and contain the following but are not limited to, the students' names and date of birth for existing workers, a date the letter was written, that they meet the training needs and be specific to the region. The same letter of support cannot be used for multiple TNIs across multiple regions. And an explanation must be provided with all TNIs on how work placement will be incorporated into the training if it's a requirement. You may be required to provide additional supporting evidence for a TNI qualification, and training services may verify the evidence that has been submitted with the application. If there is to be found that inaccurate evidence has been provided, the department may reject the TNI application. Change requests that come through have a few rules attached to them. You can't be changing the units of competencies in the part qualification once the TNI has been submitted and the PAS has been approved. If you are requesting an extension on a commencement or completion period, it is strictly limited to a maximum of six weeks. If you're seeking an extension, you must demonstrate a strong justification for why the PAS needs to be extended and also supply dates for the extension period. If you've got no enrollments against the PAS, it is highly unlikely that the PAS will be extended. It's also important to note that the department won't consider request to amend dates on existing PAS's after the 1st of May of each activity period. And extensions beyond the commencement or completion period specified on the PAS aren't guaranteed. If you find you're repeatedly requesting extensions on PAS's issued, it may impact future applications for funding. So in enrolling students. Once the PAS has been accepted, the provider can commence enrolling students and undertaking the notification of enrollment process in the Smart and Skilled provider calculator on STS Online. This must be done within the training commencement period given on the PAS on STS Online. You must accept the PAS before enrolling a student and obtaining a commitment ID. Please note commitment IDs must be obtained prior to the commencement of training. Commitment IDs cannot be obtained after training is commenced or the training commencement period has ended. The student must commence training at least one unit of competency before the end date of the training commencement period on the PAS. So just a quick checklist and a recap of what to check before submitting a TNI. This is across two pages and there's a fair bit of information here, but we will provide this. So check that the unit of competency is on your implicit scope and registered on training.gov.au. Ensure there's no prerequisites and that you have the capacity to deliver the training. The delivery mode you choose is a true reflection of how the training will be delivered. That you have selected fewer than six units and a single unit TNI will not be accepted. Ensure you've chosen the correct program details and that you have the correct training details. In general, the maximum number of training places is 25 per TNI. Additional training places may be negotiated or must be negotiated, sorry, with your regional office. Ensure you have the correct dates. The proposed training enrollment period is recommended to be a minimum of 30 days but should not exceed 40 days. And you have outlined in your TNI who has been involved with developing the TNI and provide a clear training rationale. Check that the training completion date is within the end date specified on the PAS. Check that all training can be completed by the end of May of each activity period, this will allow for reporting of data. Ensure you're delivering current units of competency rather than superseded UoCs where possible. And once the teach up period is expired, you can no longer report the superseded units of competency on STS Online. Letters of support for employers or partnering organizations are required for existing working training and letters of support should address the need for upskilling the industry demand for the part qualification, the skills gaps that will be addressed by the proposed training. For more clarity on that, refer to the operating guidelines. And TNIs will not be approved if there is a request for more than 50% funding of a full qualification. So for example, if you are delivering a part that is under a full qual of 13 units, we'll only fund up to six units. Again, this would need to be negotiated with your regional office. Remembering TPPPQ is not designed to achieve a full qualification. So to assess the TNI application, we need to ensure we have adequate time to assess and process. Please allow 21 days for this process to take place. The best practice indicates discussing the planned TNI with training services prior to submission and that may result in a faster decision from training services. So this means that your TNI must be submitted at least 21 days prior to your planned start date. And we've given an example here, if you were to submit your TNI on the 1st of July, your training enrollment period should be the 22nd of July through to the 23rd of August, giving us the 21 days to make the approval and then giving the 30 days for training enrollment. We may contact you the relevant stakeholder or identified employer to request more information and if your TNI is going to be declined, we'll give you you a call or let you know why or write the reason in the decline section of the TNI. And again, we reiterate submitting a TNI is not a guarantee of funding. So issuing and accepting a Provider Activity Schedule or a PAS. If the TNI is approved, the department will email the provider to advise in an offer of a PAS has been made. The email offer will contain instructions on where you access your PAS in STS Online and in an authorized representative from the provider has to review and accept or decline the PAS by the expiry date specified in the email. So within that PAS, it'll specify the training that is to be delivered, the region where it's going to be delivered, how many places that will be subsidized, the training commencement period and training end dates, the base price of the training and the maximum subsidy available for the number of students undertaking the specified training. So the maximum subsidy is the maximum payment that you'll receive for the PAS. So looking at funding levels, fees and pricing, there is no allocated financial Caps to TPPPQ. All training under this program is at the department's discretion and is assessed on a case by case basis. Each request for funding is assessed on a case by case basis and providers should aim to enroll all student places that they have been allocated on their PAS before submitting another TNI. Currently, there's no student fees associated with this program. Please refer to the Smart and Skilled fee administration policy for further information. The price is determined once the unit of competencies are entered into the TNI application on the STS Online form. The base price for the selected units of competency will be displayed at the bottom of the unit of competencies box. Any applicable loadings will be applied when the individual students are enrolled. This cannot be confirmed until the notification of enrollment process has been completed. So moving to eReporting. So as set out in your Smart and Skilled contract terms and conditions, the eReporting facility in STS Online must be used to report on training activity data at least once every 28 days. Please note that some of the details for reporting training activity data for this program are different for other Smart and Skilled full qualification programs. Again, please refer to the user guides we've provided below that will give you further information. So the review of training outcomes. So following the completion of training, regional officers may contact providers or send out a survey requesting training outcomes. This will occur around six weeks after training is being completed. If requested, it is a mandatory requirement as per TPPPQ policy outlines. So how do we communicate with providers? So Training Services New South Wales also provides updates known as Smart and Skilled updates regularly via email to the providers nominated representatives. And they're also uploaded to the STS Online support documents section. Updates are sent to the providers when we need to communicate information. This includes but it's not limited to, changing program dates and timelines, upcoming provider webinars, qualification price reviews and changes, information about full and part qualifications, information about new programs or campaigns or any other Smart and Skilled contract related matters. To enable providers to meet contractual obligations, it is strongly recommended that you subscribe to the Smart and Skilled updates. So just a few reminders. The TPPPQ policy is a contractually binding document. Each PAS that is issued is also contractually binding. Providers must ensure that they comply with these as well as the Smart and Skilled terms and condition operating guidelines. Failure to do so may lead to an event of default Providers should also read all TPPPQ related guidelines and guides which provide how to advice. So here is a quick reference guide that has been provided to all providers. I'm not gonna run through this, this is more as a resource for you to have by your computers and so you can refer to for quick access to information if required when submitting TNI applications under TPPPQ. So that's it for the presentation. Thanks Josephine. Obviously, if you'd like further support, we do have the customer service and operations contact there. Additionally, we have the strategic relationship managers that's been allocated to each provider as the point of contact to help understand and provide advice. Additionally, under this contract we've also added the regional provider support managers who are the lead for an office to assist you with your inquiries. And back to you Josephine. - [Josephine] Thanks so much Nathan. Sorry I'm having mouse issues. There's quite a few questions coming through. I did note that someone has asked that we just go through some of the questions that have already been answered for people who don't currently have access to the chat. I think the biggest question at the moment that Jenny has answered there, and it comes up in a variety of different ways, is when people will have access to the portal and the updated guidelines around this year's TPPPQ, and that should be available by the end of next week planned for mid next week according to Jenny. And we'll go out in a Smart and Skilled update as you said. So there's another question there about whether the inner prices are different if the cohort board of the student are existing workers or job seekers. And Jenny has said that prices may be different for pre-vocations, but it depends on the part qualification, not the student type. There's a few questions there and what we'll do is, use some of these questions to populate our FAQs and online about the composition. Jenny, I don't know if you want to talk to that about if it's a high volume of learning and how we select parent qualifications if you're taking from different levels of Cert III and Cert IV. - [Nathan] That one we might answer as an FAQ, Josephine. - [Josephine] No worries. So again, Jenny's just pointed out that while we try not to do single units of competency, that exceptions will be considered. But of course everything has to have justification behind it and it's all outlined in your contract and in the policies and guidelines. So there's questions here about people finding the right people to talk to about their potential TNI. So as Nathan's pointed out, your SRM or your regional partner should be able to point you in the right direction if they can't answer the question themselves. So, and if you're having issues contacting someone and not getting a response, I suggest you call Nathan directly, no, but you call our customer service line. - [Nathan] I was just gonna throw in there, in regards, we've got a few different ways to assist providers here in regards to seeking assistance around your Smart and Skilled contract and any other issues you have over there. The best person to talk to is your SRM or your regional provider support manager depending who your contact is. In regards to seeking funding and support for TNI's, every region still has a skills broker as well who can help connect you in with the right people and the right information. - [Josephine] Thanks for that Nathan. There's a question here about 21 days or 21 working days, It's 21 business days, is that correct? I'm going to say yes. - [Nathan] Our example was 21 days, Josephine. Yep, three weeks. - [Josephine] So basically, so three weeks we're saying. - [Nathan] Three weeks yeah, an example. - [Josephine] There's a question here about letters of support required for existing workers. Are they still required for job seeker applications as well? - [Jenny] I might answer that one. So although they're not sort of mandatory, they may add support to your TNI application where there's a support from the employers as well. Yeah. - [Josephine] And there's also a question about providers that deliver across the whole state where they can view what priorities are on a region by region basis. Is that in the... - [Jenny] Yeah, so we'll be circulating the priorities, the statewide and the regional priorities in the update next week. - [Josephine] Thank you. There's a question here about how the loading is worked out. Andrew maybe or Linna. - [Jenny] I can answer that one. So the loading is worked out once the students enrol, through the notification of enrollment. So the provider activity schedule, the PAS will give you the maximum amount that you might get paid for the part qualification and making some assumptions about whether the students attract the loading. But the actual loading is paid against each enrollment and it's worked out during the notification of enrollment process. So when you get the CID, it will tell you whether there's any applicable loadings. - [Josephine] Thanks Jenny. And I just note what Nathan said there about the fact that all regional provider support managers and SRMs have been allocated. So they will make contact with your organization and that will be your primary point of contact. But as Nathan pointed out, you also have a skills broker in each region and of course you can always contact us through the various other avenues we have. And then there's a question here about when payments are made at commencement or completion of course. I think that's a slightly complicated question but as Linna points out in clause 17 of the Smart and Skilled Contract, it specifies when payments are triggered and I think it's important to understand that part of the contract. So Jenny, there's a question here or Andrew, is TPPPQ kept in terms of subsidy? - [Jenny] Yes it is. It's basically the subsidy is what is on the provider activity schedule. So the provider activity schedule will show you the maximum subsidy and you won't get paid. So basically that's calculated on value of the qualification and the number of students in the PAS also I think some assumptions around the loadings as well, but you can never get paid more than what's on the PAS. - [Josephine] Terrific, and while you're there Jenny, I think you can answer the next question as well. If you have to use the allocation before you apply for more, how do you do this if you've had to put student details in and those students don't go ahead. - [Jenny] Well, so this is a bit complicated. So when you're putting in your TNIs you need to have some sort of like, you know, you need to be confident that you can fill the places and if all those places don't get filled, there is a commencement end date. So you've got a period of time that you can commence students. So when that commencement period end date ends, if you don't have all the students, then you know that then you can start thinking about submitting next another PAS after that end date. - [Josephine] Thank you, it is complicated. And just to confirm, someone said when can we submit a TNI? Once we've sent out the information next week the TNI portal will be open for people to start submitting TNIs against the information provided. But in the Smart and Skilled update. Sorry, I'm getting through these as they gonna move around a bit. Sorry. If the units are part of qualifications that you offer, do you have to have them individually approved at ASQA on our scope of registration? - [Jenny] No, basically if there are an accredited skillset, it needs to be on your scope of registration for locally skills, what we call skills groups. So they're where you are designing those part qualifications in collaboration with other stakeholders. The units of competency or the modules have to be accredited and you should have those units of competency on your scope. - [Josephine] Thank you. There's another question here about a rule of no vehicle licensing units being funded. Does that include safe work licenses like white card, dogging, rigging, scaffolding, EWP, crane, et cetera? - [Jenny] So a heavy vehicle drivers licensing units won't be funded. Other units that are either licensing, mandatory, refresher units won't be funded for existing workers and for job seekers they will not be funded as standalone, they need to be part of a part qualification that includes vocational units. - [Josephine] Thank you. And there's a really interesting question here about how do you work out which region to submit TNIs for if it's a fully online course? - [Jenny] So basically how it works and Nathan you might wanna jump in here when I've finished. So how it works is when you submit a TNI where there's a delivery location, it normally goes to the regional office where the delivery is occurring. Nathan, you might be able to answer what happens when it's online delivery. - [Nathan] Yeah, good question. Angela, what's been happening with online ones? - [Angela] We do it as statewide. - [Nathan] Statewide. - [Angela] Yep. But best to speak to a regional office first about it and then we can work out a way forward for it. - [Josephine] And there's a question here, kind of a comment more than a question saying we have demands from employers about cybersecurity unit delivery. So I'm assuming that might be for single units. I think again, it goes to the point that if you've got people asking for delivery of units and there is demand that you should put in the TNI with the justification and it'll be considered on a case by case basis. Nathan? - [Nathan] Yeah, look again, if it meets the regional priorities and there's evidence from industry, then that's part of the assessment process. - [Josephine] Terrific, thank you. Will the AgSkilled program be continuing? Nathan? - [Jenny] Yes, yes. - [Josephine] Good, thank you. - [Nathan] Great. - [Josephine] We talk of job seekers, is there more information on what this means? For instance, if you're employed as a casual but seeking full-time employment, are you a job seeker or do you have to quit your current casual role and become unemployed before accessing the training? - [Jenny] So there'll be further information about the definitions around job seekers and existing workers. But somebody who's employed is... So an existing worker and I won't go into detail 'cause it will be in the update that goes out. An existing worker, what we mean by an existing worker is somebody who is employed with an organization and the training that is being proposed is to support the employer and the workers within that organization. The job seeker is somebody, is broader than that. So that is somebody who's unemployed. It includes quite a few disadvantaged categories as well. And it's also for people who are looking to, who may be employed, but they are looking to move into a new industry or get a new occupation. - [Josephine] Thanks Jenny. And there's a question about will Aboriginal loadings be added to the subsidy? - [Jenny] Yeah, they will. So that will be worked out when you do the notification of enrollment, as I mentioned earlier. Students that are flagged as Aboriginal, there will be a loading applied. - [Josephine] So Fiona's just asking, I think it's response to a previous question, Jenny, does that mean you don't need to put students in when you apply for a TNI? - [Jenny] So where the TNI is for existing workers, so where the TNI is supporting training for an employer and their workers, we will need the details of the students. Where it's a job seeker TNI, we don't need the names of the students. - [Josephine] And Dawn's asking for some detail on what's required for employment outcomes for job seekers without a letter of support. - [Jenny] So basically where you're putting into TNI ideally, any TNI that have strong evidence of a job outcome will be considered favorably. But where you don't have those direct links for and we do strongly suggest that, you know, trying to build those strong links with employers so that students who do the training then have a pathway to an employer and getting a job. But there'd need to be some rationale as to why this training is needed if there isn't a direct employer, whether there's a skill shortage, a skills gap in a particular area where people may have opportunities to get a job. - [Josephine] Bianca, did you have something to add to that? - [Bianca] No, I'm okay. But yeah, usually the job seekers are registered with an employment service provider. - [Josephine] Okay, thank you. Can we identify the subsidy value of units in advance to establish the viability of potential program? - [Jenny] So when you go into the TNI application, as you build your part qualifications, so you select the units, you'll get the value, you don't have to press send. So you actually can use that tool, the TNI application tool, to work out the value of the part qualification. - [Josephine] Cool, and it's disappeared from my screen, but there was a question about the turnaround time on TNI so... - [Nathan] Was that the one in relation to skills brokers, Josephine? 'Cause I just answered that in writing, but essentially the skills brokers that service should remain fairly consistent around consultation and discussion. But it's important to note that we've now only got one per region, so they may have a bit of a heavier workload, but we hope to provide the same level of service. - [Josephine] Cool. So there's a thing here that says, where can we see the price of the pre-vocational single units? I think Jenny's just answered that, that when you put your TNI in, you'll be able to assess what the potential is there and they'd make a decision with that about submitting or not submitting. Is a student enrolling prior to the course considered commencement? Andrew, do you wanna answer this? I'm pretty sure the answer is no. - [Andrew] That's right, Josephine. So I was just having a bit of trouble with my microphone. But those two events are unique. So the notification of enrollment, the enrollment process is a different process to that of commencement of training. So commencement of training is when the student participates in subsidized training. I refer everyone to the Smart and Skilled contract Terms and Conditions to just help define those two unique events. - [Josephine] Thank you. And there is, I believe next week's webinar is on the definition of commenced training. So again, I recommend that people look into the previous webinars which are all online as well, so that if you've got any questions that you want answered, a lot of them are answered through all of those webinars. And I'm just popping this into the chat, which is the website for those webinars. I've got one final, oh, couple of questions now. If you put a TNI for job seekers, can you eventually provide that position to an existing worker? Jenny? - [Jenny] Look, as I said the definition, it depends on if the existing worker, if the training or look, I think we might take this one offline 'cause it's a bit more complicated to explain. It might be clearer when the Smart and Skilled update comes out. But basically if you are offering training to job seekers and an existing worker or somebody who's employed takes up the training, if it's an existing worker of an employer and that person has taken it up because you've had discussions with the employer and it might be appropriate for their worker to take it, it will need to meet the definitions of the existing workers that we want to fund. So that information will be available in the Smart and Skilled update. - [Josephine] Thank you. - [Jenny] Can I just add on the question before about enrollments and commencements? Something to point out with TPPPQ and part qualifications that's slightly different than for full qualifications, on the provider activity schedule you will get a training commencement period. That period is the period in which you can enroll and commence students. So although there they're two very distinct things, an enrollment has to happen before a commencement, and the commencement, as Andrew said, they have to participate in training. Those two events have to happen within the training commencement period that's specified on the provider activity schedule. - [Josephine] Thanks Jenny. So there's a question here about in terms of reporting the student data in STS online, how often should the data be reported and how does it align with students enrollment, commencements and commitment ID? Andrew, can you help with that? Or maybe Di Roach was there? Di? - [Andrew] Yeah, we might have to take that one on notice Josephine, it's a little bit complex and we need to itemize that one out. - [Josephine] Right, no worries. And then the question about when's the next smart skilled update coming out? There's certainly one planned for next week regarding the TPPPQ program. I don't think there'll be another one before then to my knowledge. So yeah, so probably next week. Alright, that's all the questions. Oh no, another one's popped up. TNI enrollment period is different to the PAS commencement period. I don't think so That's not what you meant, is it Jenny? - [Jenny] No, there is one period and it's the same. So you have a period that you can enroll and commit students. Okay. Thank you. Right, I'll just give it one moment to see if there's any final questions to come through. Is there any comments you'd like to make Nathan, while we're here? - [Nathan] Oh, I was just gonna say if you missed out on getting a question answered here, remember that you should have been contacted by your regional provider support manager and your SRM will be introduced as well. They're a great resource for clearing up any of this and connecting you with the right person. - [Josephine] And if you're having any issues trying to get your the onto the Smart and Skilled update list, they'll help you with that as well. And we'll make sure that, because it is a really valuable resource, but as we pointed out, you can also access all of them by STS Online. Where do we update the courses that we deliver for New South Wales funding? I'm confused by the question. Is that something you can help with, Andrew? - [Andrew] I think so Josephine. I mean, first and foremost the scope of registration applies for any registered training organization. So primarily we look at what is on an organization, scope of registration and how that may relate to the Skills List. And we do some checks there which govern what it is we may be able to do when it comes to initiating a provider activity schedule. - [Josephine] Terrific. Timothy is saying he's finding it hard to get in touch with his SRM both by phone and email, Nathan? - [Nathan] Timothy, if you're an existing provider, it may not be who you've previously had, there could be some changes there. I'd like to think that you've been contacted or your organization has been contacted by the regional providers support manager. I'm just gonna put my email address in the answer to that. If you send me an email with some details, I'll get onto it. - [Josephine] Thanks, Nathan. So we had a question earlier about looking at one of the slides again, and I've just had a question about getting a recording of this session. As I've pointed out and I've added into the chat, we have been posting the recordings of all of the recordings on our website. And I note that all of the recordings, all of the previous recordings are up and the slide deck that go with them. So if you go to that website, you'll be able to go find all of the recordings and all of the slide decks. We'll probably have the slide deck up in the next day or so. It usually takes us a few days to get the recording of the webinar up because there's it's technically more difficult. So if you go to the provider page on nsw.gov, there is a link through to Smart and Skilled information Webinars. Okay, I think that's almost all the questions. And we've got about 10 minutes left, so I'll just leave the door open for another minute or two to see if there's any final questions. All of the questions that we do get, we do look at. As we've said previously, we will review our FAQs and information available online to make sure all questions are answered and that you can access all the information you need. And of course, you could always contact us either by your RPSM, your SRM or our customer service line. So thank you all for attending today. I hope you found it useful and informative. Please share information with your teams via the recordings that are available online and we look forward to seeing you again next week. Thanks very much.