Overview of retention and disposal authorities
Records retention and disposal authorities identify those records created and received by NSW public offices which are required as State archives and provide approval for the destruction of other records after minimum retention periods have been met.
This page contains current general and functional records retention and disposal authorities that have been approved for use by State Records NSW.
For more information on using retention and disposal authorities, view our guidance on implementing a retention and disposal authority and our FAQs.
Directory of retention and disposal authorities arranged by public office
The following spreadsheet provides a linked directory of records retention and disposal authorities that a public office may use to dispose of records or transfer them as State archives.
Directory of retention and disposal authorities (XLSX 421.29KB)
- List of functional authorities, general authorities and a reference to the normal administrative practice (NAP) guidelines that apply to a public office
- A complete list of classes of records that are required as State archives (only use classes that are issued to the relevant public office)
- Disposal authorities highlighted in red are over 10 years old and require a review.
Please email govrec@staterecords.nsw.gov.au if you have any enquiries or think there are errors or cannot find an authority.
Current retention and disposal authorities
Use the search bar to find current retention and disposal authorities. Search using agency name or use keywords for function/activity.