Recordkeeping requirements for public offices
Recordkeeping requirements are statements specifying which records are to be created and maintained by public offices.
Recordkeeping Requirements
Recordkeeping requirements are statements specifying which records are to be created and maintained by public offices. These requirements may be set out in:
- legislation and regulations
- whole-of-government policies and procedures
- major government or industry standards and codes of practice imposed on or adopted
- internal policies, procedures, processes or business rules
- agreements and other contracts.
Sometimes the public expects government to create and keep certain records relating to it's provision of services. Such records are regarded as citizen’s rights and entitlement. These expectations reflect either an interest in the records themselves as sources for research, or the desire for government to be transparent and accountable through good recordkeeping.
Types of recordkeeping requirements
Recordkeeping requirements usually relate to:
- creating a record
- capturing a record, including information that needs to be captured
- providing or accepting supporting documentation
- maintaining a record, including security, storage and handling
- providing access to records
- retention and disposal of records.
Requirements can be explicit, but are more often implicit.
For example an explicit requirement for creation and access might be that, "the organisation must create a register of licences and members of the public must be given access to it." Implicit in this statement is that the records within the register must be captured and maintained for a certain period of time, so that access is possible.
Sources of recordkeeping requirements
There are many sources of recordkeeping requirements, and this page outlines only some of these.
- NSW legislation
- Your organisation’s enabling legislation
- Laws that your organisation is responsible for overseeing
- Administrative legislation and associated regulations such as State Records Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009, Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Sector Employment Act 2013, Electronic Transactions Act 2000
- Memoranda and Circulars
- Premier’s Memorandum and Department of Premier and Cabinet Circulars
- NSW Treasurer’s Directions and Treasury Circulars via Administrative Requirements Portal
- Retention and disposal authorities
- Relevant Audit reports.
- NSW Ombudsman’s good conduct and administrative practice - Guidelines for state and local government.