Life admin skills

Information on dealing with personal administration, organisation, and moving out of home.

An armchair with pillows and a blanket below a window and pot plant and next to a table with a tablet and magazines
Mobile phone displaying Ask Izzy app

Find support services nearby using Ask Izzy

Ask Izzy connects people in need with housing, a meal, money help, family violence support, counselling, drugs and alcohol support services and much more. It is a free and anonymous service.

Making a house a home

Learn about the basics of living at home. This short video discusses:

  • being independent
  • cooking
  • purchasing food
  • cleaning.

Making A House A Home - Life Skills

Leaving care

Leaving out-of-home care is a significant life stage so it's important you feel supported and prepared. 

A leaving care plan is a plan you start making with your caseworker when you turn 15. It's also called a 'future plan' and outlines support you can access to get a job, pay for university or TAFE, move into your own house and live independently.

Learn what goes into your leaving care plan and how to create one with your caseworker.

Resources for young people leaving care

Find out what goes into your leaving care plan and what support is available to help you transition smoothly.

Create your future

The Create Foundation has a comprehensive resource to help educate young people as they transition out of care and into a fulfilling, independent life.

Youth Justice NSW support services

There are a range of organisations funded to support young people to navigate and move on from their involvement with the criminal justice system.

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