Have your say to help improve work health and safety
SafeWork NSW is reviewing the Code of Practice for the Collection of Domestic Waste to make sure it is still relevant and supports current and emerging work practices and technologies. We are asking for your help to do it.
The Code of Practice for the Collection of Domestic Waste should be easy to understand. It also has information and guidance to ensure that risks to health and safety in the collection of domestic waste are identified, assessed, eliminated or controlled according to current work health and safety laws.
Tell us what you think
We want to hear from workers, employee representatives, councils, residents, owner operators such as subcontractors or owner-drivers, industry associations and anyone interested in the collection of domestic waste in NSW.
Your feedback and suggestions will help ensure the code of practice reflects current work health and safety laws, factors in changes in technology and protects workers and the community.
Consultation is open until 5pm (NSW time) on 19 June 2023.
Thank you for your feedback
We are reviewing all submitted feedback and comments, alongside any other consultation that has taken place as part of this review.
For updates on this consultation please check back here, or sign up for our emails to stay informed.
This survey has concluded.