Have your say on a State Heritage Register listing amendment being considered by the Heritage Council of NSW.

Australian Museum, Darlinghurst is being considered for a listing amendment and may meet the criteria for State heritage significance.

Tell us what you think

Comment on Australian Museum (amendment) via the feedback form below by 9 April 2025.

Heritage Council will review your feedback and inform you of any decisions made.

Heritage listing nominations feedback form

What best describes you? Select any that apply

Listing nomination

Heritage listing formally recognises that a place or object has heritage significance for the people of NSW and should be protected under the Heritage Act 1977.

Do you support this listing amendment for the State Heritage Register? Required

Your comments

You may like to comment on whether:

  • the item is important and should be protected
  • its importance goes beyond the local area
  • the information provided is accurate
  • there are gaps or missing information.

By commenting on a listing under consideration, you confirm that your comments do not contain any offensive, defamatory, threatening or inappropriate content, and accept responsibility for any and all content submitted.

* If you are uploading a file submission instead please write 'see attached' in the comment field below.
Please note: Submissions may be made publicly available. If you do not want your personal details or any part of your submission published, please indicate this clearly. There may be times when we're required to release the information in your submission, under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009, for example. It's a statutory requirement to provide submissions to the Legislation Review Committee of Parliament.
Allowed file types: pdf,doc,docx Size limit: 5.00 MB


Please provide your contact details below so we can let you know the outcome.

We will only use this information to contact you about the outcome.

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