Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: From $50,000 to $2,000,000
- Application opened: 6 September 2024
- Application closed: 4 October 2024, 2:00 pm
Program objective
The Program has been designed to support projects that will provide a public benefit, with funding available through two targeted streams:
Stream 1 – Infrastructure support for small and medium sized businesses
Stream 2 – CBD activation and revitalisation projects delivered by Councils
The key objectives of the Northern Rivers Towns and Villages Resilient Business Activation Program are:
- to provide financial assistance to aid in the repair, restoration and resilience of Small-Medium Businesses (SMBs) that suffered significant damage as a result of the disaster event and continue to experience impacts preventing them to re-open and operate.
- to provide support to SMBs that prior to the disaster provided a product or service that serviced a local need within the community; and where that local need continues to remain unmet.
- to improve the visual appeal, usability and safety of public areas to attract pedestrians, shoppers, and tourists and to support CBD revitalisation efforts.
The Program Guidelines are available here and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) available here.
This program is administered by Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development.
This program is funded by NSW Reconstruction Authority.
Who can apply
Eligible applicants for Stream 1 are:
- Small and Medium sized businesses (between 1 and 199 FTE employees) who:
- Hold an active ABN registered prior to 22 February 2022;
- Were operating in an eligible location for at least 12 months prior to 22 February 2022;
- Are physically located and operating in an eligible LGA and this is reflected as the main business location on the Australian Business Register;
- Suffered significant Direct Damage to assets as a direct result of the disaster events;
- Intend to continue or re-establish their main business operations within an eligible location; and
- Can demonstrate they were financially viable prior to the disaster events.
Eligible applicants for Stream 2 are:
- Local councils
In addition, applicants from both streams must meet all of the following requirements:
- have an Australian Business Number (ABN).
- be one of the following:
- a company incorporated in Australia
- an incorporated association or co-operative
- a partnership
- a sole trader
- a local council
- a Local Aboriginal Land Council
- not be insolvent, bankrupt or subject to ongoing legal proceedings.
- be able to demonstrate that they have at least $20 million public liability insurance or be willing to secure the insurance before entering into a Funding Deed if the application is successful.
Businesses may also be considered eligible if, in the determination of the New South Wales Government, exceptional circumstances apply. This may include, but is not limited to, consideration of businesses which are not registered within Northern Rivers as their main business location, however, can demonstrate they have significant operations within the Northern Rivers, and meet all other eligibility requirements.
Applicants can submit a joint application, but a lead applicant will need to be nominated. If the application is successful, the lead applicant will enter into the Funding Deed and be ultimately responsible for delivering the project.
Applicants and projects must be located in one of the below eligible location Local Government Areas (LGAs):
- Ballina Shire Council
- Byron Shire Council
- Clarence Valley Council
- Lismore City Council
- Kyogle Council
- Richmond Valley Council
- Tweed Shire Council
Eligibility is determined by declarations of natural disasters by the NSW Government.
Types of projects funded under this grant
Eligible Applicants must identify projects that are for the repair, resilience or restoration of infrastructure assets that benefit the local community and align with one or more of the Program objectives. Applicants must demonstrate local need and support, and that the project will continue to service the community into the future.
Infrastructure projects must:
- meet the definition of eligible infrastructure and/or re-damaged eligible infrastructure that has suffered Direct Damage (refer to Definition in Appendix A of Program Guidelines).
- be for the purpose of repair of directly damaged eligible infrastructure because of the eligible disaster declaration event (refer to Appendix A of Program Guidelines).
What costs you can apply for
Eligible project costs include those associated with the delivery of eligible infrastructure projects. This includes project management and administration costs up to 10 per cent and cost escalation and contingency costs up to 25 per cent of the requested funding amount.
What costs you can't apply for
Ineligible costs include:
- Costs already covered by insurance and/or funded by other NSW or Australian Government grant programs for the same project;
- Financing, including debt financing, insurance or rental costs;
- Purchase of land or buildings;
- Administrative overhead, operational and/or ongoing maintenance costs;
- Business as usual and/or commercial activities;
- Funding for any ongoing staff or operational costs;
- Retrospective funding to cover any project component that is already complete before funding is announced; and/or
- Costs related to buying or upgrading non–fixed equipment unless considered essential to project delivery and are incidental costs to the overall project budget.
Types of projects not funded under this grant
Ineligible projects include those that:
- Are not an infrastructure project;
- Are not located within an eligible LGA;
- Are the recipient of duplicate grant funding from another NSW or Australian Government grant program for the same project and/or insurance claims;
- Are for assets that were not directly damaged as a result of the Eligible Disaster Declaration Events and/or Eligible Infrastructure that have not undergone reconstruction works (refer to Definitions in Program Guidelines);
- Are for a privately-owned asset or are on private land, unless there is a clear public benefit, and the landowner has provided documented consent;
- Are for marketing, advertising or product promotion;
- Do not demonstrate alignment to the program Objectives; and/or
- Require ongoing funding from the NSW Government.
Example projects
Examples of eligible infrastructure projects include:
- Repair and restoration of infrastructure providing an essential service to the local community.
- Funding for repairing or replacing damaged fixed equipment, machinery, or infrastructure essential to business operations.
- Implementation of resilient materials into infrastructure improvements, such as flood barriers, elevated foundations, waterproofing, flood-resistant doors and windows, and drainage systems.
- Enhancement of public spaces within the CBD through landscaping, installation of public art, street furniture (benches, bike racks), and aesthetic improvements.
- Upgrades to storefronts, signage, lighting, and facades.
- Restoration, adaptive reuse, or adaptive rehabilitation of historic buildings within a CBD.
- Implementation of building design, materials and construction methods designed to withstand extreme weather events.
- Infrastructure or maintenance projects that will enhance public safety in affected publicly accessible areas.
What co-contributions are required
Applications are required to have a financial co-contribution of at least 30 per cent of the total grant amount.
Co-contributions must be cash and cannot be made in-kind, and evidence of the cash co-contributions must be provided as part of the application (for example, bank statements or shareholders financial statements etc.).
Applicants can indicate that there are extenuating circumstances preventing them from making the required co-contribution and these factors will be considered by the Assessment Panel.
Projects that maximise the co-contribution from the applicant, or other funding sources will be preferred.
What your application needs to include
All EOI applications must include (at a minimum):
- Applicant details
- Project details
- Project location
- Total project cost and funding request
- Details of asset damage from the disaster event
- Details of business activities/operations
- Confirmation of financial viability (Small-Medium businesses requirement only)
- Evidence of at least $20 million Public Liability Insurance or confirmation this can be secured prior to entering a funding deed.
Successful EOI applicants will be notified and invited to submit a Detailed Application. A link to the Detailed Application will be provided to those applicants via email.
All Detailed Applications must include (at a minimum):
- Detail and evidence of the local need and support for the project;
- Detail and evidence on the project’s alignment to the program objectives;
- Financial statements or other evidence of financial viability prior to the disaster event;
- Details of the co-contribution to the project, including from the applicant, partners and other sources, that demonstrates that the applicant has sufficient funds available for the required co-contribution amount;
- Project plan which includes a detailed scope and identifies all elements of the project (template provided);
- Project readiness, including status of development applications, landowner’s consent and/or regulatory approvals where required or applicable; and
- Project budget (with current evidence of estimated costs/quotes).
The level of information provided should be proportional to the scale and complexity of the project. Applications with insufficient evidence or detail will be disadvantaged in the assessment.
Each applicant, as part of an application response, must confirm that they meet the eligibility criteria.
Applicants that do not address the eligibility criteria in full may be excluded from the application process at the department's discretion.
Eligible applications will be assessed against the following criteria:
Local Need (40%)
The project must be of local need and have demonstrated community support.
Applicants must demonstrate how the project will address a local need by providing:
- an analysis of the current situation in the local area including gaps or deficiencies that can’t be met with existing resources;
- How the proposed project will contribute to long-term sustainability and resilience within the community;
- How the project will maintain or improve the level of service and function that the asset provides; and
- A description of the benefits and beneficiaries (users) the project will deliver for the community, organisations or businesses. This should include avoided costs from addressing gaps in the current situation.
Applicants will be required to provide evidence of consultation and support for their project, such as:
- Community Need: The project has been identified as a community need, evidenced through a community consultation process, council strategic plans, Community Land and Business Plan (CLBP), community precinct master plan or identified lack of similar services.
- Community Support: The project has demonstrated community support, evidenced by letters of support, online surveys or other documented community engagement processes.
Alignment with program objectives (30%)
The project must demonstrate how the anticipated community benefits will directly contribute to one or more of the program objectives:
Stream 1:
- To provide financial assistance to aid in the repair, restoration and resilience of SMBs that suffered significant damage as a result of the disaster event and continue to experience impacts preventing them to re-open and operate; and/or
- To provide support to SMBs that prior to the disaster provided a product or service that serviced a local need within the community; and where that local need continues to remain unmet.
Stream 2:
- To improve the visual appeal, usability and safety of public areas to attract pedestrians, shoppers, and tourists and support CBD revitalisation efforts.
The project must demonstrate consideration of accessibility and inclusion measures through the design and/or delivery of the project.
Viability (30%)
The Applicant must provide a Project Management Plan that outlines project delivery within program budget and timeframe requirements, with consideration of Development Approval if required.
The Applicant must demonstrate access to the necessary capability and experience required for successful project delivery.
The Applicant must provide a detailed and realistic risk assessment.
The Applicant must provide a budget based on quotes or detailed estimates that represent value for money, and includes:
- Detailed estimates for combined project management and administration costs that do not exceed 10% of the total project cost; and
- Estimated costs for contingency that do not exceed a maximum of 25% of the total project cost.
- Consideration of building design, materials and construction methods designed to withstand extreme weather events and build resilience.
- Inclusion of local and social procurement approaches
The Applicant has outlined the ongoing operation and/or maintenance plan for when the project is completed.
Start the application
The Northern Rivers Towns and Villages Resilient Business Activation Program will be a two-stage application process, comprising of an Expression of Interest (EOI) and invitation to submit a Detailed Application.
EOI Applications must be submitted using the online portal which can be accessed via the "Apply now" button below. Applications cannot be reopened or amended once the closing date has passed. Consideration or acceptance of late submissions will be at the sole discretion of the NSW Government.
Note: If you are a new applicant to SmartyGrants, you will need to register and create a password. If you are already registered, you can log in with your existing username and password.
Apply now
After the application is submitted
Successful applications will be decided by: Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Planning and Public Spaces
Eligibility Assessment
All EOI applications will be assessed against the Eligibility Criteria identified in these Guidelines. Where there is uncertainty or unintended outcomes arising from the eligibility requirements, the Panel will take a discretionary approach that, in its opinion, best aligns with the purpose and objectives of the funding.
Final eligibility determinations will be made at the discretion of the Panel, based on advice and recommendations from the Department and the NSW Reconstruction Authority. Any applications assessed as ineligible will not be considered for further assessment.
Merit Assessment
The Assessment Team including the Department, the NSW Reconstruction Authority and other NSW Government agencies will assess eligible applications against the Assessment Criteria outlined in these Guidelines. Applicants may be asked to provide additional information to assist in the assessment process.
Subject matter experts and/or technical advisors (such as probity advisors) may be consulted to assist in the assessment of projects. Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the process.
Anticipated assessment outcome date is from 17 February 2025. Contracting for successful applicants will commence once the applicant has signed and returned their Letter of Conditional Offer with Confidentiality Undertaking