Local Small Commitments Allocation - Grants Approved

Panoramic view of Grose Valley from Govetts Leap lookout, Blue Mountains National Park. Photo:

Program Function: The Local Small Commitments Allocation (LSCA) Program is a $37.2 million grants program established by the NSW Government. The LSCA Program provides grants to the value of $400,000 to each of the 93 NSW electorates.

The funding is administered as follows:

  • Community organisations were nominated prior to the March 2023 election to receive grants to fund small projects ranging from capital works, services and programs, supplies and equipment, events, charitable donations, to playground and park upgrades.
  • The election commitment ensured $400,000 goes to every electorate in NSW.
  • In some electorates a number of community projects have been nominated, with the remaining portion of the allocated $400,000 nominated for playground and park upgrade projects to be delivered by local councils.
  • LCSA Program is a non-competitive, one-off grants program.Projects are processed through a rigorous assessment process in accordance with the LSCA Guidelines and the NSW Grant Administration Guide.

Program Term: Applications for the LSCA opened on 31 July 2023 and remains open to nominated organisations. Projects are required to be completed within a two-year period following funding agreement execution.

Applicants: The LSCA Program will fund approximately 600 projects, with approvals, notifications and announcements to continue on a rolling basis.

ProbityThe NSW Premier’s Department has appointed an independent Probity Advisors who have developed a Probity Plan for the LSCA Program.

Source Agency: The LSCA Program is being administered by the LSCA Program Office within the NSW Premier’s Department. Final decisions on the award of funding are made by the NSW Special Minister of State.

Note: Projects will be added to the list below progressively, following approval and funding agreement execution.

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