Generations is a fellowship program in partnership with Create NSW, Powerhouse Museum and Astral People to support artist development across the music industry in NSW.
Image: Dyan Tai. Photo: Zan Wimberley.
Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: $25,000 in support. Studio space for 6 months at Powerhouse Museum (Ultimo) or Museum Discovery Centre (Castle Hill) in 2023-24 and Practical connections with the sector to develop the skills to be entrepreneurs and have autonomy within the industry.
- Application opened: 12 September 2022
- Application closed: 10 October 2022
Program objective
Three early career artists or groups will be selected for a six-month fellowship each during the period 1 April 2023 – 31 December 2024. Each fellowship will be artist-led and developed in partnership with Create NSW, Powerhouse Museum and Astral People.
The program connects emerging artists in the early stages of their career with established artists supporting intergenerational knowledge and experience within the music industry. Mentors comprising of musicians, songwriters, music producers, agents, label and publishing executives will work with the artists during their six-month residency.
This program is funded and administered by Create NSW.
You must be:
- over 18 years of age
- an Australian citizen or
- an Australian permanent resident, and
- an individual/group based in NSW
Who can apply
You must be either a:
- musician
- songwriter
- music producer or
- composer.
What can I apply for?
Create NSW is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) proposals for Generations – NSW Music (Early Career) Fellowship.
Applicant type
You must self-identify as an early career artist or arts and cultural worker.
Artists should be unsigned and not have professional representation across label, management, publishing or booking agents.
What can’t you apply for
You are ineligible to apply for the Generations – NSW Music (Early Career) Fellowship funding if:
- your proposed activity is already taking place
- you are applying on behalf of an organisation
- you have received funding from Create NSW for the same fellowship
- you are applying for filmmaking, screen production, mainstream animation or film festivals (see for funding opportunities in this area)
- are a current employee of Create NSW (note in addition, Create NSW employees cannot benefit from this funding round)
- have been employed by Create NSW within the last 6 months.
You cannot apply for the following items:
- TAFE or University fees and/or related research and development or other formal qualifications
- recovering costs of items and materials already purchased
- purchasing musical instruments, artworks, equipment or vehicles
- capital works
- fundraising, Awards or Competitions and/or prize money
- repayment of loans
- filmmaking, screen production, mainstream animation or film festivals.
Example projects
Most recent recipients
- Western Sydney artists Clarissa Bock (‘Clarissa Mei’)
- Solomon Toala (‘SOLLYY’)
- Inner West artists Jonny Hawkins and Juan Villamor who perform together as 700 Feel.
See Generations Fellowship news article.
What your application needs to include
What do you need to tell us?
EOI proposals for this Fellowship will follow a two-stage process.
Firstly, you will need to tell us about your Fellowship program in an EOI proposal.
Your EOI should include the rationale of why you want to undertake this Fellowship.
EOI proposals can be provided as a written pitch or a short video.
Please note that this EOI should discuss the self-directed fellowship program you wish to develop.
The residency activities will be determined by the shortlist in consultation with Powerhouse Museum.
Your EOI will be assessed against the criteria below:
Fellowship information (Merit)
We would like to know about you and your music where you are at in your career your inspirations or influences.
Why is this Fellowship important? (Impact)
We would like to know: how this fellowship opportunity will benefit you at this stage of your career.
Support Material
You will be able to upload the following material to support your application: up to 5 DEMOS of your work (via Soundcloud, or other URL, or WAV/ mp3 files).
Start the application
Applications for this fellowship are now closed.
Details are on SmartyGrants website 22/23 Generations NSW Music (Early Career) Fellowship - Create NSW (
After the application is submitted
Successful applications will be decided by: Final recommendations are submitted for consideration by the Minister for the Arts.
Assessment Stage 1
Your EOI will be assessed by a sub-Committee made up of members of the Create NSW Contemporary Music Board plus representatives from Powerhouse and Astral People against the published assessment. The Create NSW Artform Advisory Boards consist of representatives from leading NSW arts and cultural organisations, independent organisations and individual artists.
If your application includes leadership, engagement and/or outcomes involving Aboriginal artists, arts/cultural workers and/or communities then your application can be reviewed by the Create NSW Aboriginal Arts and Culture Board.
Assessment Stage 2
The assessors meet to determine their final recommendation. They will consider the assessment criteria, the demographics, distribution, range and scale of the initial recommendations. This may include prioritising NSW individuals and activities with outcomes that address Priority Areas, to ensure equity across the State and the best outcomes for NSW Government investment.
There may also be cross-Board consultation on applications. Create NSW may also request further advice and/ or clarification from applicants during the assessment process.
Support and contact
We have a range of resources to assist you with your funding application. After reviewing these, you may contact a staff member if you need advice regarding these guidelines between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday.
- Ph: 02 9228 4578
- Email:
- Schedule an online meeting to speak to Create staff through the external scheduling service Picktime
Accessibility, inclusion and support
If you need this information in an accessible format or in another language, contact us on (02) 9228 4574 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday.
The National Relay Service numbers are:
- TTY users: Phone 133 677 then ask for (02) 9228 4575.
- Speak and Listen users: Phone 1300 555 727 then ask for (02) 9228 4575.
Language Interpreting Service
If English is your second/third language and you would like to speak to Create NSW staff about the guidelines or application form, we can arrange an Interpreting Service to support this communication.
Please contact us between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday:
- (02) 9228 4575