The Aboriginal Affairs NSW Cultural Grants Program supports Aboriginal community organisations across NSW to celebrate Aboriginal culture and hold key cultural events and activities.
Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: From $500 to $20,000
- Application opened: 15 January 2024
- Application closed: 26 February 2024, 11:00 am
Program objective
The AANSW Cultural Grants Program objectives are to:
- support Aboriginal communities to strengthen, protect and maintain traditional and contemporary expressions of Aboriginal culture
- support key contemporary Aboriginal cultural events and activities
- contribute to Aboriginal community wellbeing and healing, through the use of Aboriginal culture and community connection
- facilitate sharing of Aboriginal cultural knowledge and skills between generations.
Please see the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for more information regarding program objectives.
This program is funded and administered by Aboriginal Affairs.
Who can apply
Eligible entities
To be eligible you must be:
- an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Community-controlled, not-for-profit organisation working with Aboriginal communities in NSW, and one of the following organisation types:
- an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Corporation registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Cth)
- a company incorporated in Australia under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)
- a Local Aboriginal Land Council under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983(NSW)
- an Incorporated Association (incorporated under state legislation, and commonly have ‘Association’ or ‘Incorporated’ or ‘Inc’ in their legal name)
- an Incorporated Cooperative (incorporated under state legislation, and commonly have ‘Cooperative’ in their legal name)
- an incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust; OR
- an Aboriginal sole trader or business whose primary business activity relates to cultural expression or revitalisation (noting projects must not be profit-making in nature); OR
- an unincorporated Aboriginal community group with a not-for-profit auspice organisation of one of the following organisation types:
- an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Corporation registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Cth)
- a company incorporated in Australia under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)
- a Local Aboriginal Land Council under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 (NSW)
- an Incorporated Association (incorporated under state legislation, and commonly have ‘Association’ or ‘Incorporated’ or ‘Inc’ in their legal name)
- an Incorporated Cooperative (incorporated under state legislation, and commonly have ‘Cooperative’ in their legal name)
- an incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust.
Applicants must also:
- be able to enter into a funding agreement with AANSW and have an Australian bank account
- have public liability insurance of at least $10 million per claim or be willing to purchase it and include the cost of insurance as part of the project budget.
Unincorporated groups
If an unincorporated Aboriginal group wishes to apply under the 2023-2024 Cultural Grant Program, they will need to partner with a not-for-profit organisation to receive and administer the funding. An organisation may only act as an auspice for one grant project in each round.
Types of projects funded under this grant
Projects must take place within NSW, and applicants must deliver a service to Aboriginal communities within NSW.
When the project can start and end
The project should be started by 1 July 2024 and the project must be completed by 30 June 2025.
What costs you can apply for
Funding must be used for projects that meet the objectives of the Cultural Grants Program. The following are examples of the types of activities that may be considered for funding, where they are aligned with the program objectives:
- women’s or men’s gathering on Country
- a culture and wellbeing camp for Aboriginal youth
- creation of a digital installation showing Aboriginal history of the local community
- a statewide regional music and cultural festival
- a series of online and/or face-to-face workshops.
Note: Where events are ticketed, any income generated from ticket sales must be included and expended within the program budget.
Funding can be used for:
- purchase of consumables – such as catering, equipment items and materials for activities (excluding alcohol) – for the purposes of the project or event
- hiring equipment to be used for the period of the project or event
- engaging contractors such as facilitators, trainers and teachers
- eligible costs associated with holding key statewide and/or regional Aboriginal sporting and cultural events
- purchasing minor equipment for event activities up to the value of $5,000 (please refer to the FAQs for guidance on minor equipment)
- administering the project, with up to 10% of the requested AANSW funding amount able to be used for this task or as auspice fees where there is an auspicing arrangement.
Eligible sole trader/business applicants may include up to 10% of the requested AANSW funding amount to cover remuneration costs. Refer to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for more information.
Who can’t apply
You are not eligible to apply if you are:
- an individual
- a non-Aboriginal group or organisation (except for eligible auspice organisations auspicing an unincorporated Aboriginal community group)
- federal and state government agencies and bodies, including NSW public schools and hospitals
- unincorporated organisations or groups without an eligible auspicing organisation
- organisations that have not met project requirements, including acquitting and reporting for any grant funding received from AANSW in the previous 2 years
- organisations with redress sanctions as described in the National Redress Scheme.
What costs you can't apply for
Funding cannot be used for:
- costs for individual sporting teams or cultural groups to attend competitions or events
- capital costs – any type of building, construction, major equipment or capital works including renovations to a building, housing-related costs or the purchase of land
- purchase of vehicles
- wages, salaries and on-costs for ongoing staff
- sitting fees, travel allowances or costs associated with membership of boards/councils
- activities that may create an ongoing dependency on cultural grant funding, such as funding that is required over multiple years
- costs that are not directly associated with the delivery of the project
- activities related to NSW Aboriginal Rugby League Knockout, which has a separate funding program
- activities related to NAIDOC Week events, which has a separate funding program
- international travel costs (proposals for domestic travel costs need to demonstrate the benefits of travel to the project, organisation and community)
- operational and business-as-usual costs
- merchandise such as backpacks, gift vouchers etc.
AANSW and the Aboriginal Languages Trust administer a range of other grant programs throughout the year, and applicants may be referred to apply to another program if it is considered a more suitable source of funding.
Most recent recipients
What your application needs to include
Prepare your application with this checklist
The below documents are required before you submit your application:
- Letters of support from the local Aboriginal community (e.g. from local Aboriginal Elders/groups, community groups or potential participants). Letters must be current and specific to the project. A letter of support provided by an alliance/consortium should clearly demonstrate support of the membership base of the alliance/consortium.
- Certificate of currency for public liability insurance (or a budget that includes the purchase of public liability insurance).
- Evidence of the value of goods and services (except the cultural components/services) for budget items such as hiring of venue, accommodation, catering, and hiring and/or purchase of equipment.
It is also recommended that applicants provide the following:
- evidence of successfully delivering other projects
- detailed project plans.
Video response to application questions
Applicants can choose to submit a video response to application questions on project objectives and outcomes. AANSW regional staff are available to support applicants with recording and preparing a file for upload if required.
Address the eligibility criteria
Each applicant, as part of an application response, must confirm that they meet the eligibility criteria.
Applicants that do not address the eligibility criteria in full may be excluded from the application process at the department's discretion.
Address the assessment criteria
The 2023-2024 AANSW Cultural Grants Program is non-competitive program where applications are assessed individually against the assessment criteria without reference to the comparative merits of other applications. Only applications that are deemed to meet all assessment criteria will be recommended for funding.
Applications will be assessed by the Grant Assessment Panel in the order they are received.
Assessment will be based on the following criteria:
Criterion 1: Project quality
Description of criterion: The project aligns with the program aim and objectives.
Specific information and evidence required:
- Evidence that the project meets the program aims and objectives
- Project celebrates Aboriginal culture and/or includes key traditional or contemporary cultural events or activities
- Project activities clearly demonstrate that the project addresses specific program objectives
Criterion 2: Project detail
Description of criterion: Clear description of the project objective, how it will be delivered, evidence to demonstrate need and community involvement, along with a list of project activities.
Specific information and evidence required:
- Detailed project plan
- Detailed description of project activities
- Implementation plan with explanation of what the funding will do and how it will be spent
- Rationale for level of need, and information on who will be involved
Criterion 3: Project impact
Description of criterion: Detail on how the project will benefit the community and make a tangible contribution to the cultural health and wellbeing of Aboriginal people in a local area within NSW.
Specific information and evidence required:
- Letters of support from the local Aboriginal community, i.e. from a group of Elders, community groups or potential participants. Letters must be current and specific to the project
- Evidence of who the project will benefit and how this will be achieved
Criterion 4: Organisation’s capacity to deliver the project
Description of criterion: The ability of the organisation to deliver the project objectives based on its experience and resources, community supports such as partnerships with other organisations and participation in other community projects.
Specific information and evidence required:
- Experience managing previous projects, and outcomes achieved
- Demonstrated resources to deliver the project, or relevant training and experience of key staff involved in the project
Criterion 5: Value for money
Description of criterion: How the implementation of the project/event/activity will achieve high-quality outcomes for Aboriginal communities in a cost-effective way.
Specific information and evidence required:
- Clarity on how budget items contribute to the project outcomes
- The budget must be reasonable and realistic
- Quotes to support the budget line items/detailed budget aligned with the project activities and plan
Start the application
How to apply
Applications must be submitted online at the AANSW online grants platform ( Applicants are advised to visit the AANSW website to access Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
Applicants are encouraged to contact their nearest AANSW Regional Office to discuss their project.
An organisation can only receive one grant from the 2023–2024 Cultural Grants Program. An organisation may additionally act as an auspice for a maximum of one project in each round.
Unsuccessful applicants will be offered a feedback session if requested and may reapply for funding under the program in the next opening period.
Supporting documents
Essential documents
The below documents are required before you submit your application:
- letters of support from the local Aboriginal community (e.g. from local Aboriginal Elders/groups, community groups or potential participants). Letters must be current and specific to the project. A letter of support provided by an alliance/consortium should clearly demonstrate support of the membership base of the alliance/consortium
- certificate of currency for public liability insurance (or a budget that includes the purchase of public liability insurance)
- evidence of the value of goods and services (except the cultural components/services) for budget items such as hiring of venue, accommodation, catering, and hiring and/or purchase of equipment.
Recommended documents:
Applicants are encouraged to provide other documentation and evidence that supports their application (e.g. evidence of successfully delivering other projects, detailed project plan).
Note: If you are a new applicant to SmartyGrants, you will need to register and create a password. If you are already registered, you can log in with your existing username and password.
Apply now
After the application is submitted
Successful applications will be decided by: The Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Treaty
Assessment of grant applications
The 2023-2024 AANSW Cultural Grants Program is non-competitive program where applications are assessed individually against the assessment criteria without reference to the comparative merits of other applications. Only applications that are deemed to meet all assessment criteria will be recommended for funding.
All applications will be screened for eligibility. Eligible applications will then be assessed against the assessment criteria by a panel of AANSW staff.
All assessment recommendations will be provided in writing to the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Treaty (the Minister).
The Minister is the final decision-maker considering the recommendations of the assessment panel.
Some applicants may be offered partial funding where budget includes ineligible items.
Applicants who are determined unsuccessful may reapply for funding in the next opening period.
Anticipated assessment outcome date is May 2024 onwards
Anticipated date for funding deed execution with successful applicants is May 2024 onwards
Support and contact
For any questions regarding the AANSW Cultural Grants Program, please contact your nearest AANSW regional office on the phone numbers below or email
Illawarra Southern 02 8575 1013
Batemans Bay
New England North-west 02 8575 1172
Greater Northern 02 9566 8318
Coffs Harbour
Murdi Paaki 02 9224 4877
Broken Hill
Binaal Billa 02 8575 1518
Dubbo 02 8575 1073
Hunter Central Coast 02 8575 1680
Greater Sydney 1800 019 998