
Choosing a career in construction opens you up to a world of opportunity.

Entering the workforce can be overwhelming, especially if you are unsure about what you want to pursue. On this page, you will find resources and tools outlining different career paths in the construction industry to help transition from school into a career.

If you are still in school and are interested in a career in construction, you can kick start your career by studying construction courses at school which may also gain credit to your HSC.

Ashlyn using a power saw


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Where to start?

Students in NSW have the option of studying Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses at school or through TAFE NSW, private or community training providers. Your school may already offer options to study construction related courses (as early as year 9). Talk to your school careers adviser, they can provide information, guidance and advice to help you make an informed decision about what to do.


Woman on a construction site wearing hi-vis and wearing a hard hat.

Find out more about what construction is, what types of roles are available and what can be in it for you.


Alice's Story

Alice works as a Graduate Site Engineer at the Randwick Campus Redevelopment. She started her career in the construction industry by studying Civil Engineering and Commerce at the University of New South Wales. We asked Alice questions about her pathway into the construction industry and experiences working on site.

Jessica's Story

Jessica works as a Project Engineer at the Randwick Campus Redevelopment. She started her career in the construction industry by studying Civil Engineering with Honours at the University of Wollongong. We asked Jessica questions about her pathway into the construction industry and experiences working on site.

Parents and Educators

Find more information, support and resources for parents and educators of women interested in pursuing a career in the construction industry.

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