You can use the resources below to support you to develop your child's educational program. These resources can:
- give you examples of what registration requirements look like in practice
- support you to base your educational program on NESA syllabuses
- help your planning, tracking and record keeping.
Further support material will become available with the release of other new syllabuses as part of NSW Curriculum Reform.
NESA syllabuses
The NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) is updating syllabuses in line with the Curriculum Reform agenda. You can:
- access new syllabuses on the NSW Curriculum website
- access syllabuses yet to be updated via NESA
- read examples of how new syllabuses can be incorporated into educational programs
- find a Guide to using syllabus documents and support materials.
Syllabus and curriculum resources
Find syllabus information and resources to support your home schooling education program.
Curriculum reform and home schooling
NESA is updating syllabuses through the Curriculum Reform process. Find out more about how syllabuses for home schooling parents are being implemented.
Syllabus overviews and outcome summaries
Access syllabus outcomes, content and stage statements (where applicable), as well as summaries of all NESA syllabuses.
Sample documents
Examples and scenarios to help guide you through development of your educational program.
Home schooling plans and resources
Read sample home schooling plans and patterns of study that have been developed by NESA and home schooling parents.
Home schooling scenarios
These scenarios show various approaches to home schooling. Find out more about how some different educational programs can be developed and implemented.
Other resources
Find templates and resources to help record keeping and learning.
Templates for home schooling parents
These templates have been developed to support you with monitoring and recording your child’s progress.
Resources to support educational programs
Explore a range of other useful websites that may support your child's educational program.
Webinars and recordings
You may find our webinars helpful when transitioning to the NESA syllabuses on the NSW Curriculum website.
Guides and documents
Access materials to support you in preparing your child’s educational program or your Authorised Persons visit.
Stay informed with NESA newsletters
Subscribe to NESA newsletters for all the latest news, media releases and official notices.
Contact the home schooling team
You can contact the home schooling team by email or phone.
Stay connected
Keep in touch by following NESA on social media.
For more information on how to contact a specific team or make a complaint, visit NESA's contact us page.