Warnings and hazardskeyboard_arrow_down Warning road signs Crashes Roadworks Road hazards How to handle vehicle breakdowns on NSW roads Passing emergency vehicles Processions Poor conditions Driving distractions Lights and horns Roadside tributes Processions on the road What to do when you're driving past a funeral or other procession on NSW roads. On this pageWhat to doPenalties for interferingRelated information What to doWhen you see a funeral or an official procession, you must not interrupt it.Slow down and stay behind it.Penalties for interferingYou can get a fine if you interfere with the procession.See Search demerit points and offences for more details. Related information Roadside tributes Warnings and hazardskeyboard_arrow_down Warning road signs Crashes Roadworks Road hazards How to handle vehicle breakdowns on NSW roads Passing emergency vehicles Processions Poor conditions Driving distractions Lights and horns Roadside tributes