Domestic and family violence support

You have a right to be safe. Domestic and family violence is never okay – there is no excuse. 

Who to contact for help

If you are in an emergency, or at immediate risk of harm to yourself or others, please contact emergency services on Triple Zero (000).

NSW Domestic Violence Line1800 65 64 63
1800RESPECT1800 73 77 32
Lifeline Australia13 11 14
Kids Helpline1800 55 18 00
NSW Domestic Violence Line
Lifeline Australia
Kids Helpline

Domestic and family violence and COVID-19 

Domestic and family violence increased during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The safety of women and children is a priority.

Essential services, including the police and courts, are here to help you stay safe.

Crisis accommodation, counselling and other support services are also available.

If you feel unsafe, reach out.

The NSW Domestic Violence Line is always here for you. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

Call 1800 656 463
TTY 1800 67 14 42 

Translating and Interpreting Services: 13 14 50 

The NSW Domestic Violence Line can:

  • explain services and support available to you
  • help you with your safety plan
  • refer you to support services, such as counselling
  • help you contact the police, courts or lawyers
  • help you find a safe place to stay
  • help with transport for you and your children.

Can’t talk right now? Use the 1800RESPECT online chat service instead of calling.

Need more information? Find out about other services and supports on the Department of Communities and Justice website.

Online domestic violence help and information

Housing and financial help

Police and legal services

Protect your privacy

LGBTIQ support services

Support line help

Mental health services

There is also a range of COVID-19 mental health services available to support you.

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