Youth Week events Find Youth Week events in your area. What is Youth Week? Youth Week 2025The 2025 Youth Week program will be available from early 2025. appsGrid ViewmapMap ViewtuneFilterskeyboard_arrow_rightcloseClose filtersFiltersKeywordkeyboard_arrow_downSearch for an eventLocationkeyboard_arrow_downPostcode or SuburbSearch either a postcode or suburbnear_meUse my current locationSearch areaSet your search distance0km5km10km25km50km100km300kmNo limitDatekeyboard_arrow_downDateTodayNext 7 daysNext 30 daysOr select a date rangeFromToCategorykeyboard_arrow_downCategoryArts and craftsCommunity eventForum or conferenceIndoor activitiesMusic or concertShow all categories (7)Typekeyboard_arrow_downIn person or online filterOnlineIn person Apply filters Clear all filtersSorry, no results found for your searchSort by:SoonestClosestDidn’t find what you were looking for?Check for spelling errors or typosChange the keywords you used for searchingTry selecting fewer categories Subscribe for updates Receive email updates about news and opportunities for NSW Youth Week. First name Email address