Key information
- Status: Open
- Grant amount: From $500 to $5,000
- Application opened: 10 March 2025
- Application closes: 21 April 2025, 4:00 pm
Program objective
The Objective of the 2025 NAIDOC Grants Program is to support events and activities in NSW marking NAIDOC week that:
- Celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history, culture and achievements
- Align with the theme of NAIDOC Week in 2025 - The Next Generation: Strength, Vision & Legacy
- Promote a greater awareness and understanding of Aboriginal history and/or culture within the broader local or regional community.
Please see the Quick Reference Guide, Program Guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for more information. These include information about how we can help you to apply for a grant.
This program is administered by Aboriginal Affairs.
Who can apply
- Incorporated not-for-profit organisations registered with NSW Fair Trading under the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (NSW)
- Aboriginal Corporations registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal Torres Strait Islanders) Act 2006 (Cth)
- Not-for-profit companies incorporated in Australia under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)
- Local Aboriginal Land Councils established under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 (NSW)
- NSW local councils operating under the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW)
- Incorporated cooperatives (incorporated under state/territory legislation, and commonly have ‘Cooperative’ in their legal name)
- Incorporated trustees on behalf of a trust, including Catholic School trusts
- Unincorporated Aboriginal groups that have entered into an agreement with an eligible organisation to auspice the funding.
Who the grant is targeted towards
Aboriginal communities
Types of projects funded under this grant
Funding is to be used for activities and events that are held in NSW and meet the objectives of the 2025 NAIDOC Grants Program.
When the project can start and end
The project should be started by 1 July 2025 and the project must be completed by 30 November 2025.
Outcomes for projects funded under this grant
A greater knowledge, awareness, understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal history and/or culture within the broader local or regional community.
What costs you can apply for
Funding can be used
- to purchase materials and consumables such as art supplies, catering supplies (excluding alcohol) – for the purpose of the project or event
- to pay for workshop facilitators, artists and Elders
- for rental or hire fees for the purposes of the activity.
Who can’t apply
You are not eligible to apply if you are
- An Individual
- Federal or State Government agencies and bodies, this includes public schools and hospitals
- For-profit organisations including Aboriginal businesses
- Unincorporated Aboriginal organisations or groups who do not have an eligible auspice partnership
- An applicant or auspice who has been banned due to non-compliance with AANSW Grant requirements
- An organisation with redress sanctions in place, as described in the National Redress Scheme
What costs you can't apply for
Funding can't be used for
- retrospective funding for activities and events that have already been held
- activities that are the responsibility of government agencies
- activities that are exclusively for the benefit of the applicant organisation and its staff, such as cultural capability workshops or training
- activities and events held outside NSW
- capital purchases – any type of building, construction or capital works, including renovations to a building, housing-related costs or the purchase of land
- purchasing equipment such as office equipment, tents and IT equipment
- gifts, including gift cards and merchandise to distribute as gifts
- Activities or events that allow alcohol, tobacco or gambling
- private events such as those open only to members of a specific organisation
- sitting fees, travel allowances or costs associated with the membership of boards/councils
- operating and administrative costs such as rent or utilities
- costs that are not directly associated with the activity or event
Types of projects not funded under this grant
Funding can't be used for
- retrospective funding for activities and events that have already been held
- activities that are the responsibility of government agencies
- activities that are exclusively for the benefit of the applicant organisation and its staff such as cultural capability workshops or training
- activities and events held outside NSW
- capital purchases – any type of building, construction or capital works, including renovations to a building, housing-related costs or the purchase of land
- purchasing equipment such as office equipment, tents and IT equipment
- gifts, including gift cards and merchandise to distribute as gifts
- Activities or events that allow alcohol, tobacco or gambling
- private events such as those open only to members of a specific organisation
- sitting fees, travel allowances or costs associated with the membership of boards/councils
- operating and administrative costs such as rent or utilities
- costs that are not directly associated with the activity or event
Example projects
The following are examples of the types of NAIDOC Week activities and events that have previously received funding:
- community festivals and fun days
- public exhibitions
- community gatherings
- cultural workshops
- NAIDOC-themed sporting activities or competitions
- school community–based activities
- women’s, men’s and Elders-only activities
Additional eligibility requirements
NSW Public Schools
- While NSW Public schools are not eligible to apply to the Program, projects may be held on NSW Public School grounds and/or for the benefit of a school community where the applicant is an eligible organisation (e.g. an incorporated not-for-profit Parents & Citizens organisation, incorporated local Aboriginal Education Consultative Group etc).
Unincorporated groups
- If an unincorporated Aboriginal group wishes to apply for a 2025 NAIDOC Grant, it will need to partner with an eligible organisation to receive and administer the funding. The eligible organisation must apply on behalf of the unincorporated group.
Other eligibility requirements
- Be an eligible entity located in NSW, and able to enter into a funding agreement with Aboriginal Affairs NSW Premier’s Department,
- Have an Australian bank account and an Australian Business Number (ABN)
- Projects must be delivered within NSW
- Applicants must have public liability insurance of at least $10 million per claim
What your application needs to include
Must include Public Liability insurance certificate of currency for minimum $10 Million, that covers the period in which the project or event is being held.
Each applicant, as part of an application response, must confirm that they meet the eligibility criteria.
Applicants that do not address the eligibility criteria in full may be excluded from the application process at the department's discretion.
- Alignment with 2025 NAIDOC theme - the activity or event emphasises and demonstrates the 2025 NAIDOC theme
- Alignment with purpose of NAIDOC - the event celebrates Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history, culture and achievements.
- Organisation’s capacity to deliver event or activity - Aboriginal people are involved in the development and delivery of the activity or event, as leads and/or in partnership arrangements
- Value for money - the activity or event shows value for money
Start the application
Applications are to be completed online at the Aboriginal Affairs NSW online grants platform:
Applications will only be accepted by using SmartyGrants. Applicants should give themselves enough time to submit applications using the SmartyGrants online system and to allow for unexpected delays.
For assistance, please refer to the Applicant’s Guide (https://applicanthelp. and the FAQs on the Aboriginal Affairs NSW website.
Applicants can submit a video response to application questions about project objectives and outcomes. Aboriginal Affairs NSW regional staff, who are not involved in the assessment process, are available to support applicants with recording and preparing a file for upload if required.
One application per applicant/organisation is eligible each calendar year.
Applications must be submitted by 4:00 pm Friday, 21 April 2025.
Applicants must provide a declaration that the information in the application is true and correct, penalties may apply for false or misleading information.
Note: If you are a new applicant to SmartyGrants, you will need to register and create a password. If you are already registered, you can log in with your existing username and password.
Apply now
After the application is submitted
Successful applications will be decided by: The Deputy Secretary, Aboriginal Affairs NSW
Eligibility Checks - Confirmation of applicant eligibility
Regional assessment- Assessment of application, scored against the assessment criteria
Regional Managers’ Panel - Confirm regional assessments to make a final recommendation to the Deputy Secretary Aboriginal Affairs NSW
- Deputy Secretary Aboriginal Affairs NSW - Final decision on application based on the panel recommendations
- All applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application after the Deputy Secretary Aboriginal Affairs NSW has approved the request for funding
Anticipated assessment outcome date is June 2025
Anticipated date for funding deed execution with successful applicants is June 2025
Support and contact
For any questions regarding the Aboriginal Affairs NSW (AANSW) 2025 NAIDOC Grants Program, applicants can contact the AANSW Community Investments team via email to or 1800 019 998.
Applicants can contact the nearest AANSW Regional office on the phone numbers below:
Illawarra Southern (Batemans Bay) - 02 9288 5575
New England and North-west (Tamworth) - 02 8575 1172
Greater Northern (Coffs Harbour) - 02 9566 8318
Murdi Paaki (Broken Hill & Bourke) - 02 9228 4877
Binaal Billa (Dubbo) - 0455 187 697
Hunter/ Central Coast (Newcastle) - 02 9228 3402
Greater Sydney (Sydney) - 02 8229 2389
Community Information Session
If you have an idea or want to apply but don’t know how, you can attend our Community Information session on 27 March 2025 at 10:30am. Please ensure you register for your free ticket, and we'll send you a MS Teams link before the date of the session.
A recording of the session will also be made available and distributed to registered attendees, for those unable to attend.