Rural Women's Resource

The Rural Women’s Resource page brings together a broad range of accessible and trusted information to assist women living in regional, rural or remote NSW.

Women in white dress holding flowers next to car with boot open


Woman wearing cap and gown for graduation

Economic Opportunity and Advancement

Information about money matters, cost of living, jobs, study, starting and growing a business, legal issues and natural disasters.

Image: Dani from the Green Chair podcast


A woman standing holding a wood log

Health and Wellbeing

Information about mental health helplines, mental health supports, physical health supports, domestic and family violence supports.

Image: Rochelle from the Baby Loss Mentor


Women dancing in field.

Participation and Empowerment

Find information specific to you.

Image: The Coota Bollywood All Stars

If English is not your first language, or you need some help, contact the Translating and Interpreting Services or call 131 450 for free translation services.


The links and the information on this website are provided for your general information only. Information provided on linked websites should not be taken as professional advice. See our full disclaimer. 

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