The Newcastle Port Community Contribution (NPCC) Fund is an annual fund which provides support to projects that revitalise and energise the Port of Newcastle and surrounding areas for the benefit of the community and its visitors.
Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: From $50,000 to $500,000
- Application opened: 12 January 2023
- Application closed: 28 February 2023, 5:00 pm
Program objective
Round 8
The $1 million Newcastle Port Community Contribution Fund received an additional $1 million boost from previous years unallocated funding in Round 8 to attract larger projects.
The Fund is aimed at delivering high-quality projects that:
- foster stronger community bonds
- enhance accessibility
- boost visitation
- increase participation in cultural and artistic life
- and enhance public, environmental and business infrastructure which can be achieved through efficient program design.
This program is funded and administered by Department of Regional NSW.
Who can apply
To be eligible to apply for funding the applicant must be one of the following:
- an incorporated association or community organisation
- a not-for-profit organisation with ACNC registration
- a local council
- Local Aboriginal Land Council
- a state government agency
- any other organisation or corporation that owns, manages or occupies land subject to a lease or licence within the NPCC Fund Project Area and must clearly demonstrate community benefit
- applicants must hold an Australian Business Number (ABN), Australian Company Number (ACN) or be registered with NSW Fair Trading under the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 or other act. Applicants must have or be able and willing to purchase at least $20 million public liability insurance prior to entering a Funding Deed. The cost of public liability insurance can be included in the project budget as part of the administration costs.
Who can’t apply
Ineligible applicants include:
- an individual or group of individuals, including sole traders and partnerships
- any unincorporated association that is not a registered not-for-profit organisation.
Eligible projects
To be eligible for funding from the Newcastle Port Community Contribution Fund, projects must:
- be located in the Newcastle Port defined area as detailed in the Guidelines
- foster stronger community bonds, enhance accessibility, boost visitation, increase participation in cultural and artistic life, and enhance public, environmental and business infrastructure with demonstrated public or community benefit
- demonstrate the project would not occur at all, or in the same timeframe without government investment support
- be delivered and operational within two years from executing the funding deed
- provide proof of $20 million of public liability insurance at time of contracting
- secure approvals to meet project timeframes
- not be suitable for financial support under other Australian and/or NSW Government funding programs, or requires a NSW Government funding co-contribution to support an application to another government or industry program.
What funding can be used for
Eligible projects through the NPCC can include:
- design and planning consultancies, noting design and management fees cannot exceed 15 per cent of the total grant value
- construction, upgrade and specific project related restoration works
- remediation, pollution control and clean up works
- project management fees (internal management fees may be considered where additional internal resources are required).
What funding can't be used for
Ineligible project costs include:
- expenses incurred prior to the project funding deed being signed by DRNSW
- equipment not part of a broader project
- activities already funded or budgeted through the City of Newcastle or a NSW Government agency including a previous NPCC Fund round
- projects that have exclusive private benefits
- Development Application (DA) fees
- cost over-runs more than the agreed cost allocations
- ongoing repair and maintenance costs
- organisational operating costs such as wages that are unrelated to the project and ongoing management costs.
Example projects
Project types must be of one or more of the following:
- environmental (e.g: pollution control, clean up works)
- public domain (e.g. parks, pathways, cycleways, community facilities, tourism facilities)
- port related community infrastructure (e.g. boat ramps, services, access)
- heritage restoration or interpretive works (for land, buildings or equipment)
- activation (e.g. place making projects, community and tourism-based events)
- smart technology or innovation (e.g. smart public amenities or facilities)
- other high-quality projects that foster stronger community bonds, enhance accessibility, boost visitation, increase participation in cultural and artistic life, and enhance public, environmental and business infrastructure with demonstrated public or community benefit.
Applicants may only seek funding for planning, design and project management where:
- it is sought in conjunction with funding for the delivery of a project
- the amount sought for these elements is no more than 15 per cent of the total funding requested.
Previous rounds have included projects such as:
- Activating and educating in the Delprat Cottage
- ‘Art in the Yard’ arts activities for young people
- Making Waves program expansion
- Stockton Community War Memorial Renewal
- Upgrade of main entrance to clubhouse facility at Stockton Bowling Club
- Stage 2 – construction of outside function space at Carrington Bowling Club
- Foreshore Park amenities and changing place
- Victoria Theatre façade revitalisation
- Macquarie Pier Revitalisation Project
- Honeysuckle Smart Shelters
- Customs House time ball/clock lighting and restoration
- Seabin STEM Litter Prevention Workshops
- Stockton Norm Bassan Lions Park Memorial
- Community Sailing as part of SailFest Newcastle Regatta 2021
- Electric Car for Mission to Seafarers Newcastle
- Foreshore Park Livvi’s Place Inclusive Playspace
- Fortress Newcastle Exhibition (Stage 2)
- Throsby Creek Walkway Solar Lighting
- Reinstall Sails to William the Fourth project
- Cottage Creek North Naturalisation Works
- Stories of Our Town
DRNSW and the Program Assessment Panel may offer part-funding to projects where appropriate, and in consultation with the applicant. If this occurs DRNSW will work with applicants to revise the project scope so it is within the funding amount awarded. Applicants should consider being able to stage their projects should full funding not be available.
Applicants can submit multiple applications for separate projects in each funding round.
Information session
The Department of Regional NSW hosted an information session on Wednesday 18 January 2023 at 1pm. A recording of the session is now available to view.
The information session provided an overview of the program and guidance on eligibility and the application process.
Most recent recipients
What your application needs to include
Consider the following in your application:
- Registration of interest – applicants must contact the designated Department of Regional NSW (DRNSW) officer at to discuss the eligibility of their project.
- Project area is defined as per the map included with these guidelines. The project must be primarily located within the project area. Projects located in the waterways adjacent to the defined area are also eligible.
- Funding requests must be for between $50,000 and $500,000 (exclusive of GST).
- Landowner’s consent must be provided where the land on which the project is to be delivered is not owned by the applicant. This must be written consent and should specifically state that landowner’s consent is granted at the address where the works will be carried out.
- Public project – all projects must be for the benefit of the community. Projects that are private or commercial, or on private land that is not accessible to the community (either physically or visually) will be ineligible.
Your application must include:
- application form, including project plan and budget
- attach at least one quote
- attach written consent from the landowner (if required)
- attach proof of public liability insurance
- address the program criteria.
- then submit your application via SmartyGrants.
Please read the frequently asked questions for the fund before submitting your application.
Please view details of the eligibility criteria listed on this page as well as in the Fund guidelines.
Please view the assessment criteria listed on this page as well as in the Fund guidelines.
- Frequently asked questions
- Program Guidelines (PDF 7.77MB)
- Landowners Consent Form (DOCX 66.03KB)
- Information Session recording
This map show the eligible project area for Round 8 of the Newcastle Port Community Contribution Fund.

Start the application
Applications are now closed.
After the application is submitted
Decision making
The Department of Regional NSW will form an Assessment Panel to review all project applications.
Following receipt of applications, projects will be first reviewed against the Eligibility Criteria. Projects that are deemed eligible will be evaluated against the Assessment Criteria. Following a merit-based process, the Assessment Panel will form a list of recommended projects for the NSW Government to consider as the NPCC Round 8 decision maker.
The Assessment Panel may recommend part-funding projects where there is insufficient funding available for the whole project or where only a component of the project is considered suitable for funding. Applicants should therefore ensure that projects can be staged in case the requested amount of funding is not provided.
The Department of Regional NSW, at its sole discretion, and at any stage of the application process, do all or any of the following:
- consult with subject experts, as necessary, to support their assessment of projects against eligibility and assessment criteria
- require additional information from an applicant
- change the scope or the requirements of these guidelines
- vary, amend (including by replacement) or terminate the application process
- re-open an application after the closing date, provided it doesn’t give the applicant an advantage over other applicants.
The Department of Regional NSW reserves the right to not recommend an application for approval if it is assessed that it may bring the NSW Government into disrepute.
The Assessment process will take approximately eight weeks from submission.
Applicants will be notified of the assessment outcome from May 2023.
The Assessment process will take approximately eight weeks from close of submissions.
Applicants will be notified of the assessment outcome from May 2023.
Applications will be assessed by the evaluation panel against the following criteria:
Economic, environmental and social benefits of the project
This will include considering:
- the degree of sustainable public or community benefit
- the project’s contribution to local tourism, community engagement, activation, community infrastructure and amenity, heritage or environmental quality, innovation or smart city technology
- projects that foster stronger community bonds, enhance accessibility, boost visitation, increase participation in cultural and artistic life, and enhance public, environmental and business infrastructure with demonstrated public or community benefit
- the degree to which the project addresses a demonstrated need or requirement.
Project readiness, viability and delivery
This includes considering project attributes such as:
- the total project cost and whether it represents value for money
- how the applicant and their partners will deliver the project
- the applicant’s occupation of the land and, where occupation is temporary, the arrangements for long-term management where the project is permanent in nature
- the applicant’s capacity to deliver the project in a reasonable time. Applicants are expected to deliver their projects within a two-year period
- compulsory matching co-funding for Local and State Government agency projects
- the applicant’s capacity to effectively manage funds and spending
- project risks and proposed risk management approaches.
Not-for-profit organisations and Local Aboriginal Land Councils do not need to provide a co-contribution. Applicants are strongly encouraged to provide some financial and/or in-kind co-contributions to demonstrate collaboration and provide more certainty of project delivery.
State government agencies and local council must provide matching funding for their projects. Any other organisation or corporation that owns, manages or occupies land subject to a lease or licence within the NPCC Fund Project Area must provide matching funding for their projects.
Projects that are collaborative in nature and can leverage or provide other funding may be given preference.
Weighting and scoring
Criteria | Weighting |
Economic, environmental and social benefits of the project | 60% |
Project readiness, viability and delivery | 40% |
Support and contact
Department of Regional NSW staff are available to support you with the application process.
Phone: 1300 679 673
Program evaluation
The Newcastle Port Community Contribution Fund (NPCCF) and Port Kembla Community Investment Fund (PKCIF) were established when the NSW government privatised the ports in both communities (2014 for Newcastle and 2016 for Port Kembla). The aim of both Funds is to revitalise the ports and their surrounding areas for the community and their visitors. Both Funds have invested in a diversity of projects and organisations. In total the PKCIF and NPCCF have collectively received 155 applications, funded 115 projects, and invested $19.7 million over the past decade.
The process evaluation was conducted on the latest rounds of each Fund, Round 5 and 8 of the PKCIF and NPCCF, respectively. It aimed to assess whether program activities and processes were performed effectively. The Outcomes and Economic evaluations were conducted on completed projects from PKCIF Round 1-5 and NPCC Rounds 1-8. They aimed to assess the impact of each Fund on their communities and to determine the net economic benefit of each program by comparing the total benefits to the total costs.
The process evaluation found that the latest rounds of NPCCF and PKCIF, round 8 and round 5 respectively, were appropriately designed, the application process thorough and funding deed requirements and reporting appropriate. The overriding conclusions of the Outcomes and Economic Evaluation is that both the PKCIF and the NPCCF have achieved positive outcomes for the Port Kembla and Newcastle Port communities. These outcomes have contributed to a net economic benefit for both communities and NSW more broadly, estimated at $43 million with a benefit cost ratio of 1.8. This demonstrates the positive return on investment that the NSW Government has achieved through the past rounds of the Funds.
Date of publication: April 2024