Shared Equity Home Buyer Helper – customer guide

Three generations in the garden – a grandmother, daughter and granddaughter.
The Shared Equity Home Buyer pilot closed on 30 June 2024.

The NSW Shared Equity Home Buyer Helper was a pilot program to assist eligible single parents (with dependent children), single people (50 years and over), first home buyers who are employed as key workers, and victim-survivors of domestic and family violence with buying a home. 

Those that entered the program will continue to be supported by Revenue NSW and must maintain their obligations under the scheme for as long as they own their home.

Further information on ongoing eligibility criteria for participants in the scheme, please refer to Revenue NSW Shared Equity Home Buyer Helper.

Need help? Call Shared Equity Support 1300 679 372.

Renovations, home improvements and valuations

If you want to do renovations or make modifications that will potentially change the value of the property, you’ll need approval from Revenue NSW if the modifications:

  • will cost at least $20,000, incurred within a 12- month period, or
  • need council approval (including complying development).

Ongoing eligibility and obligations

In addition to meeting your obligations on the mortgage with your lending partner, you must also meet the ongoing eligibility criteria and obligations to continue to take part in Shared Equity. 

Keep in mind that the ongoing eligibility criteria may differ from the entry criteria you had to meet when you applied for Shared Equity. 

Participant reviews

Periodic reviews will focus on the factors below.

  • Income (of all participants in the case of joint ownership): If a participant’s gross income exceeds the threshold in the two consecutive financial years prior to the review, they will be deemed ineligible and may be required to make a payment to acquire all or part of the Government’s equity interest (subject to a capacity to pay assessment at that time, and ongoing).
  • Evidence of meeting ongoing obligations: If your circumstances change or you don’t comply with any of the Shared Equity conditions, it may also trigger a review by Revenue NSW.

How to exit Shared Equity

You are encouraged to voluntarily pay out the Government’s equity interest in your home and exit Shared Equity if you are able.

Other ways to exit include:

  • sale of the property
  • refinancing 
  • a payment required by Revenue NSW following a periodic review.

See below for more information on making voluntary payments, selling your property, and refinancing.


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